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  1. Xavier Villaurrutia y González (27 March 1903 – 25 December 1950) was a Mexican poet, playwright, translator, and literary critic whose most famous works are the short theatrical dramas called Autos profanos, compiled in the work Poesía y teatro completos, published in 1953.

  2. Xavier Villaurrutia González (Ciudad de México, 27 de marzo de 1903-Ciudad de México, 25 de diciembre de 1950) 1 2 fue un escritor mexicano que cultivó los géneros de poesía, crítica literaria y dramaturgia. Ganó un premio poético histórico con Canto a la primavera y otros poemas.

  3. Xavier Villaurrutia (b. 27 March 1903; d. 25 December 1950), Mexican poet, crittic, and playwright. Villaurrutia was born and died in Mexico City. He belonged to the generation known as the Contemporaries. With Salvador Novo, he participated in the review and theatrical group Ulises.

  4. Xavier Villaurrutia (hävē´ār vē´yäōōrōō´tyä), 1903–50, Mexican poet and playwright. Villaurrutia was deeply influenced by Ramón López Velarde. He worked on the Mexican literary review Contemporáneos (1928–31) and in 1928 founded the first experimental theater in Mexico.

  5. Nacido el 27 de marzo de 1903, en la Ciudad de México, Xavier Villaurrutia fue un destacado poeta, ensayista y dramaturgo, tal vez de las figuras más importantes y enriquecedoras de la literatura y el teatro mexicano del siglo XX.

  6. Jan 15, 2013 · For a long time I've loved the poetry of Xavier Villaurrutia (1903-1950), one of the greatest poets in Mexican and Latin American literature, and I've read translations of his work that I liked, but I've only tinkered with translating one or two poems of his, publishing none of them on here.

  7. Xavier Villaurrutia. (Ciudad de México, 1903 - 1950) Escritor mexicano. Alumno del Colegio Francés y de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, abandonó muy pronto los estudios de jurisprudencia para consagrarse por entero a la literatura.

  8. Xavier Villaurrutia y González was a Mexican poet and playwright, whose most famous works are the short theatrical dramas, called Autos profanos, compiled in the work Poesía y teatro completos published in 1953.

  9. XAVIER VILLAURRUTIA: THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIS THEATER ANTONIO MORENO Washington and Jefferson College Rafael Solana, an outstanding contem-porary Mexican dramatist and critic, re-marked shortly after Villaurrutia's death that the Sociedad de Autores and whoever else loved the man should do something to perpetuate his name. As one who ad-

  10. Xavier Villaurrutia is well known in Mexico as a dramatist, especially as the author of the play Invitación a la muerte (Invitation to Death, 1943). He worked on the Mexican literary review "Contemporaneos" from 1928 - 1931. His poetic writing includes Reflejos (1926) and Nocturnos (1933).