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  1. 2 days ago · Jenifer (born 1982), French singer of Corsican ancestry. Henry Padovani (born 1952), guitarist and singer, founder member of The Police. Eddie Palmieri (born 1936), Puerto Rican pianist and composer of Corsican ancestry. Antonio Paoli (1871-1946), Puerto Rican opera singer of Corsican ancestry. Tino Rossi (1907-1983), singer and actor.

  2. 3 days ago · Afin de soutenir l’action de la flottille, le collectif organise un rassemblement vendredi à 18h sur le quai d’honneur du port Tino Rossi, où le Handala sera amarré de mercredi à dimanche. S’en suivra un moment convivial dès 19h30, tandis que des visites du bateau seront également possibles, avant qu’il ne reprenne la mer direction l’Italie, avec l’espoir d’arriver à Gaza ...

  3. 3 days ago · Valentino Rossi (* 16. Februar 1979 in Urbino) ist ein ehemaliger italienischer Motorradrennfahrer und aktueller Automobilrennfahrer . Er zählt mit neun Weltmeistertiteln zu den erfolgreichsten Piloten in der Geschichte der Motorrad-Weltmeisterschaft .

  4. 5 days ago · Corsica, also known as the “Island of Beauty,” is a stunning destination off the coast of France. This Mediterranean gem boasts a unique blend of French and Italian influences, making it a cultural and culinary paradise. With its pristine beaches, dramatic cliffs, and picturesque towns, Corsica offers an escape that’s both serene and adventurous.

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  5. 5 days ago · Alberto Facundo Costa, detto Tino, è un ex calciatore argentino, di ruolo centrocampista. È soprannominato El Cañón Zurdo.

  6. 1 day ago · San Cesario diacono e i suoi compagni naufragano a Terracina. Stando a quanto riportano i martirologi e gli studi agiografici, Cesario sarebbe nato nell'Africa settentrionale, precisamente a Cartagine, verso l'85 d.C. Figlio di un mercenario e di una nobildonna che, secondo la tradizione, discendevano dalla “Gens Julia”, la rinomata famiglia Giulia, sarebbe stato chiamato Cesario per ...

  7. 4 days ago · Eugenio Rossi (born 6 March 1992) is an athlete from San Marino specialising in the high jump. His personal best of 2.27 metres (7 ft 5 in) is the best performance ever by a Sammarinese track and field athlete in any event.