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  1. 5 days ago · Narcos is a popular crime drama series that revolves around the rise and fall of the infamous Colombian drug lord, Pablo Escobar. The show features a talented ensemble cast who bring these characters to life. Here is a list of the main cast members and the characters they portray.

  2. 6 days ago · Akhirnya, Pablo Escobar bekerja sama dengan Carlos Lehder dan George Jung. Mereka adalah anggota Kartel Medellin yang memiliki keahlian dalam penyelundupan lewat jalur udara. Mereka mengatur penerbangan ke Florida Selatan melalui Bahama.

  3. 1 day ago · Pilot who smuggled cocaine from Norman's Cay in the Bahamas to Florida on behalf of Colombian drug lord Carlos Lehder. Sentence shortened to time served and released in 2009, shortly before he died. Richard Kuklinski

  4. 5 days ago · A Colombian drug trafficker named Carlos Lehder bought himself an island in the Bahamas where he put an airstrip which controlled the drugs coming in from South America and entering the United States. He became so wealthy that he offered to pay Colombia's foreign debt for amnesty.

  5. 5 days ago · The 1980s was the wild west of drug trials. And there was no bigger cocaine cowboy than Carlos Lehder, who co-founded the Medellin Cartel. Lehder turned to Edward Shohat to represent him in a 7-month trial in which the prosecutor, nicknamed Mad Dog, called 29 snitches.

  6. 2 days ago · © CARACOL S.A. Todos los derechos reservados. CARACOL S.A. realiza una reserva expresa de las reproducciones y usos de las obras y otras prestaciones accesibles ...

  7. 1 day ago · Cada que el establecim­iento colombiano quiere combatir el crimen, contrata criminales. Cuando en los años 80, Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, los hermanos Ochoa, los ganaderos, las petroleras y las multinacio­nales fueron extorsiona­dos y secuestrad­os por las guerrillas, inventaron el MAS, Muerte A Secuestrad­ores.