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  1. 3 days ago · Darauf sind auch ihr späterer Ehemann Roland Penrose , in "Die Fotografin" gespielt von Alexander Skarsgård, Man Ray, der Dichter Paul Éluard, dessen Frau Nusch und das Model Ady Fidelin zu sehen.

  2. 3 days ago · Lee Miller: Fotografías. Texto: Kate Winslet. Lee Miller se inició en la fotografía a una edad temprana, perfeccionó su oficio en París, donde se relacionó con los surrealistas y artistas de vanguardia como Jean Cocteau y Picasso.

  3. 1 day ago · Einer der bedeutendsten Avantgardisten der französischen Literatur, Guillaume Apollinaire, war, wie sein Zeitgenosse Paul Éluard (Ehemann von Gala Éluard Dalí), ebenfalls Verfasser von ...

  4. 5 days ago · Paul Éluard was a famous French poet and a founding member of the Surrealist movement. He was also married to Gala Dali for 12 years, prior to her relationship with Salvador. On initial inspection, we immediately see the standard layout used by Dali at this time.

  5. 23 hours ago · She travelled to Europe for treatment for tuberculosis in her mid to late teens and it was then that she met her first husband, Paul Éluard. She decided to stay on as a result and began a long relationship with the Frenchman - they settled in Paris.

  6. 23 hours ago · Relier les différents épisodes de la vie de Rino Della Negra à la grande Histoire et mettre en avant des textes poétiques, notamment de Paul Éluard et de Louis Aragon, ayant exalté l’amour de la liberté et le courage des Résistants. En partenariat avec le RED STAR FC la Compagnie Scènes d’histoire et l’Agence nationale du Sport.

  7. 5 days ago · Days and nights to understand. To see no more in your eyes. Than what I think of you. And a world in your image. And days and nights ruled by your eyelids. Paul Eluard. Rate: (1) Poem topics: I love you, fish, river, solitude, storm, understand, hide, valley, love, world, I miss you, Print This Poem , Rhyme Scheme.