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  1. 4 days ago · Yuri Balashov vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 41 moves Fridrik Olafsson vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 22 moves Efim Geller vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 58 moves Rafael Vaganian vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 33 moves Tonu Oim vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 51 moves Vladimir Karasev vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 69 moves Roman Dzindzichashvili vs. Mikhail Tal, 1971, 74 moves

  2. 1 day ago · 7月3日上午,俄罗斯国立研究型大学莫斯科电子技术学院校长VladimirA.Bespalov、学术事务副校长AlexanderG.Balashov,俄罗斯创新和技术中心联盟主任GorchakovaA.Evgeniya一行来校访问。. 校长付梦印院士、副校长陈雄,国际交流合作处处长张珩、副处长陈丹鹤,电子工程与 ...

  3. 2 days ago · 7月2日下午,莫斯科国立电子技术学院校长Vladimir Bespalov、校长高级顾问A.V.Zverev、副校长A.G.Balashov等一行7人来校交流访问。. 副校长王斌锐在明德楼A216会议室会见客人并主持座谈会,国际处、光电学院和信息学院相关人员参加会谈。. 会谈中,双方介绍了各自 ...

  4. 1 day ago · Individual tournaments. AVRO 1938 chess tournament. Baden-Baden 1870 chess tournament. Berlin 1881 chess tournament. Berlin 1897 chess tournament. Bled 1931 chess tournament. Buenos Aires 1939 chess tournament. Cambridge Springs 1904 chess tournament. Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament Carlsbad.

  5. 3 days ago · In his career, he has defeated players of the caliber of Dreev, Movsesian, Korobov, Tseshkovsky, and Balashov. Sergey Klimov (2520) vs. Denis Yevseev (2580), Saint Petersburg Championship 2004 Black to move. Show Answer

  6. 2 days ago · As a member of the Duma, he isn't allowed to own stakes in businesses so his shares in USM are held by his father Vladimir and his daughter Varvara.

  7. 4 days ago · Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said he appointed on Tuesday his 27-year-old nephew as the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian North Caucasus republic.