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  1. The government of the People's Republic of China is based on a system of people's congress within the parameters of a unitary communist state, in which the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) enacts its policies through people's congresses.

  2. Find the latest news, policies, statistics and institutions of the Chinese government and its leaders. Learn about China's economy, science, technology, culture and more.

  3. 中国政府网是中央人民政府的官方网站,发布国务院及其部门的政策文件、新闻信息、政务服务等内容。网站还提供政策解读、建言征集、事实求证、为民服务等互动平台,欢迎网民参与。

  4. In the Chinese system, the Communist Party is the power center that controls every government department, military force, court and parliamentary meeting. The party rules over a pyramid...

  5. The Chinese constitution describes China's system of government as a people's democratic dictatorship. The CCP has also used other terms to officially describe China's system of government including "socialist consultative democracy", and whole-process people's democracy.

  6. Oct 6, 2022 · Learn about the CCP's history, structure, and challenges under Xi Jinping's leadership. The CCP is the founding and ruling party of China, with over ninety million members and a monopoly on power.

  7. 3 days ago · China has been a socialist country since 1949, and, for nearly all of that time, the government has played a predominant role in the economy. In the industrial sector, for example, the state long owned outright nearly all of the firms producing China’s manufacturing output.