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  1. Apr 22, 2015 · Andrew Kelley. President and Lead Developer of Zig Software Foundation. Jack of all trades, master of one. Email | RSS | GitHub

  2. Lead developer & president of Zig Software Foundation. 6.9k followers · 185 following. @ziglang. Portland, Oregon. Pinned. ziglang/zig Public. General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. Zig 32.1k 2.3k. libsoundio Public.

    • Portland, Oregon
    • @Ziglang
    • Widely Diverging Debug and Release Builds
    • Complete C Abi Compatibility
    • Optional Type Instead of Null Pointer
    • Errors
    • Alternate Standard Library
    • Alternatives to The Preprocessor

    Zig has the concept of a debug build vs a release build. Here is a comparison of priorities for debug mode vs release mode: Note: Since this blog post, Zig has gained two more release modes: 1. Release Safe 2. Release Small

    Part of being pragmatic is recognizing C's existing success. Interopwith C is crucial. Zig embraces C like the mean older brother who you are a littleafraid of but you still want to like you and be your friend. In Zig, functions look like this: The compiler is free to inline this function, change its parameters,and otherwise do whatever it wants, s...

    One area that Zig provides safety without compromising efficiency orreadability is with the optional type. The question mark symbolizes the optional type. You can convert a type to an optionaltype by putting a question mark in front of it, like this: Now the variable optional_int could be an i32, or null. Instead of integers, let's talk about point...

    One of the distinguishing features of Zig is its exception handling strategy. Zig introduces two primitive types: 1. Error Sets 2. Error Unions An error set can be declared like this: An error set is a lot like an enum, except errors from different error setswhich share a name, are defined to have the same numerical value. So eacherror name has a g...

    Part of the Zig project is providing an alternative to libc. libc has a lot of useful stuff in it, but it also hascruft.Since we're starting fresh here, we can create a new API without someof the mistakes of the 70s still haunting us, and with our 20-20 hindsight. Further, calling dynamically linked functions isslow. Zig's philosophy is that compil...

    The C preprocessor is extremely powerful. Maybe a little toopowerful. The problem with the preprocessor is that it turns one language intotwo languages that don't know about each other. Here are some examples of where the preprocessor messes things up: 1. The compiler cannot catch even simple syntax errors in code that is excluded via #ifdef. 2. ID...

  3. This presentation was recorded at GOTO Copenhagen 2022. #GOTOcon #GOTOcphhttp://gotocph.comAndrew Kelley - Creator of the Zig Programming LanguageLINKShttps:...

    • 50 min
    • 287.7K
    • GOTO Conferences
  4. Mar 24, 2020 · Caching System. The Zig compiler uses a sophisticated caching system to avoid needlessly rebuilding artifacts. I carefully designed this caching system to make optimal use of the file system while maintaining correct semantics - which is trickier than you might think !

  5. Zig is an imperative, general-purpose, statically typed, compiled system programming language designed by Andrew Kelley. [3] It is intended as a successor to the language C, with the intent of being even smaller and simpler to program in, while offering more function. [4]

  6. Interview with Zig language creator Andrew Kelley. Context Free. 22.7K subscribers. 45K views 3 years ago Zig. Code: Zig documentation:...

    • 18 min
    • 45.9K
    • Context Free