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  1. The China Ordnance Equipment Group Corporation (Chinese: 中国兵器装备集团公司), also known as China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC, Chinese: 中国南方工业集团公司), is a Chinese state-owned manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles, firearms, vehicle components, and optical-electronic products and other ...

  2. 中国兵器装备集团公司英文网站.

  3. May 16, 2019 · China South Industries Group Corporation is a state-owned key enterprise directly managed by the central government, a core force of the national defense science and technology industry.

  4. As a national strategic industry, China South Industries Group Corporation, founded in July 1999, undertaking the divine mission of “army protection and allegiance to country, strengthening enterprise and enriching people”, is an important state-owned backbone enterprise directly under the central government, the core strength of defense ...

  5. 中国兵器装备集团有限公司是中央直接管理的国有重要骨干企业是国防科技工业的核心力量是国防建设和 国民经济 建设的战略性企业是中国最具活力的军民结合特大型军工集团之一肩负着保军报国强企富民的神圣使命其前身可以追溯到第五机械部、 兵器工业部 、 国家机械工业委员会 。 集团公司连续多年跻身 世界500强 ,最高排名101位。 2020年4月,入选国务院国资委“科改示范企业”名单。 2023年《财富》 世界500强 排行榜第341名 [28] 。 相关星图. 查看更多. 2023年中国品牌500强. 共 500 个词条 72.4万阅读. 1. 中国石油天然气集团有限公司. 品牌价值 (亿人民币):19700.69. 2. 中国石油化工股份有限公司.

  6. China South Industries Group Co.,Ltd. manufactures vehicles and related parts. The Company produces light weapons vehicles, advanced ammunitions vehicles, and other equipment.

  7. Apr 19, 2019 · China South Industries Group Corporation the most vehicle production bases in China. It owns 9 production bases, 23 whole vehicle factories and 27 enterprises as well as overseas bases in Malaysia, Vietnam, Iran and Ukraine; its annual production capacity is over 2.6 million units.