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  1. Having been an integral part of Singapore’s financial economy ever since independence, money changers have grown large in numbers throughout

  2. PRELIMINARY. 1. This Act is the Mental Capacity Act 2008. 2.—. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —. “will” includes codicil. (2) In this Act, references to making decisions, in relation to a one of a lasting power of attorney or a deputy appointed by the court, include, where appropriate, acting on decisions made.

  3. › consumerConsumer | MCA

    Consumers who transact above SGD 5,000 will be required to render their personal information to the money changers. The money changers will need your identity card or document for verification. Please also note address verification is also a requirement and where necessary the money changer may request for documents which can proof your place ...

  4. Learn how the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore ensures safe, efficient and sustainable port operations and explore its digital initiatives.

  5. 4.—. (1) For the purposes of this Act, a person lacks capacity in relation to a matter if at the material time the person is unable to make a decision for himself or herself in relation to the matter because of an impairment of, or a disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain. (2) It does not matter whether the impairment or ...

  6. › associationAbout Us | MCA

    About Us. Having been an integral part of Singapore’s financial economy ever since independence, money changers have grown large in numbers throughout the decades. Today, there are more than 300 money changers all over the island meeting the travel and business demand of local and overseas customers. With the growing money changing licensees ...

  7. Jan 30, 2023 · Key highlights under each thrust include: Care Thrust. 4. Good health is key to enjoying a good quality of life. Initiatives under the Care Thrust seek to empower seniors to take charge of their own physical and mental well-being through preventive health, active ageing programmes and care services, such as:

  8. Effective 1 March 2010, the Mental Capacity Act sets out a clear legislative framework to empower Singaporeans to appoint trusted persons to make decisions on their behalf in the event they lose their mental capacity, due to conditions such as dementia, traumatic brain damage or stroke. It also sets out safeguards to protect some of the most ...

  9. 7.—. (1) Sub-paragraph (2) applies if the court is satisfied —. ( a) that under the law prevailing in a place outside Singapore a person (“M”) has been appointed to exercise powers in respect of the property or affairs of P on the ground (however formulated) that P lacks capacity to make decisions with respect to the management and ...

  10. The Code of Practice serves to elaborate on the Mental Capacity Act, particularly in its practical application. It helps you to. understand your roles and responsibilities under the Act. understand the steps you can take to prepare for a time in the future should you lack capacity. understand the principles to be applied when caring for persons ...

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