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  1. Mar 29, 2021 · This review systematically synthesizes the available evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of food fortification vehicles (industrial fortification, biofortification and point-of-use or home fortification) and provides an overview of three dimensions by which fortification impacts individuals and societies—social, health and ...

    • Rebecca Olson, Breda Gavin-Smith, Chiara Ferraboschi, Klaus Kraemer
    • 2021
  2. Sep 13, 2021 · Fortification is the practice of deliberately increasing the content of one or more micronutrients (i.e., vitamins and minerals) in a food or condiment to improve the nutritional quality of the food supply and provide a public health benefit with minimal risk to health.

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    Objective:Review previous and ongoing use of digital technologies with a focus on food-system interventions for food fortification and dietary diversification, and identify potential areas for future integration of digital technologies in these interventions for improved nutrition outcomes Description 1. This paper must summarize any initiatives/ef...

    Objective: Ascertain the purpose of, and lessons from, using digital technologies in other systems/sectors – including health, agriculture, social protection, etc. – and determine how these lessons may be applied to food-system interventions for food fortification and dietary diversification for improved nutrition outcomes Description 1. This paper...

    Objective: Identify and document the synergies and disconnects along the food value chain between food system interventions focusing on food fortification and dietary diversification for improved nutrition outcomes Description 1. This paper must examine crossroads between food system interventions for food fortification and dietary diversification ...

    Objective: Use of big data and new technological innovations to support decision making and sustainability of food system interventions for food fortification and dietary diversification to improve nutrition outcomes Description 1. This paper must review and document key technological innovations used in food system interventions for food fortifica...

    Objective: Ascertain an ethics-driven approach to food system nutrition interventions for food fortification and dietary diversification, incorporating key legislation, principles, and practices, to support appropriate data and information collection, use, management, governance and security Description 1. This paper must explore and document key l...

    Objective: Review evidence on the ability of digital technologies to influence consumers’ understanding and perspectives on the quality of foods, their nutritional value, and health impacts, and suggest ways to shape consumers’ food behaviours to lead to improved nutrition outcomes Description 1. This paper must review the role of digital technolog...

    Nutrition International and WHO plan to co-convene a technical consultation to review, examine, and critically assess global programmatic evidence and implementation experiences to inform how to best use digital technologies across food-system interventions addressing the double burden of malnutrition. The meeting is expected to take place in the s...

    Interested authors or teams must submit the following to both Nutrition International at and to WHO at by 31 January 2022: 1. A concept note that includes the title, abstract (250 words), objectives, and methods. 2. A list of authors (lead and co-authors) and an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV) of eac...

    Mid-February 2022– Nutrition International and WHO will review the proposals and contact the authors/teams to finalize the next steps. June 15, 2022– Draft reviews submitted to Nutrition International and WHO July 31, 2022– Final reviews submitted to Nutrition International and WHO

  3. Oct 24, 2019 · A new systematic review and meta-analysis of 50 studies published by the NIH helps fill a critical knowledge gap about the full impact of large-scale fortification programs in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Food fortification programs with iodine, folic acid, vitamin A and

  4. I. Introduction. The achievement and maintenance of a desirable level of nutritional quality in the nation’s food supply is an important public health objective. Adding nutrients to specific foods...

  5. Feb 16, 2024 · In 2021, WFP distributed 1,478,081 MT of fortified foods – the equivalent of more than 3 billion rations, or enough for 17 million people to have their daily staple food consumption be in the form of fortified staples for six months. Learn more about WFP’s work on food fortification.

  6. Food fortification - enhancing the micronutrient content of commonly eaten foods - provides a cost-effective and life-changing solution. WFP is increasingly sourcing fortified foods to distribute in our food assistance programming, including general food distribution and school feeding, to reach millions of the world's most vulnerable.