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  1. Doña Isabel Moctezuma (born Tecuichpoch Ichcaxochitzin; 1509/1510 – 1550/1551) was a daughter of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II. She was the consort of Atlixcatzin, a tlacateccatl, [1] and of the Aztec emperors Cuitlahuac, and Cuauhtemoc and as such the last Aztec empress.

  2. Apr 21, 2021 · Isabel Moctezuma was an Aztec princess who lived during the time of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. Isabel was the daughter of Moctezuma II, and by the time she was 11 or 12 years old, she had been married off not just to an Aztec noble, but also to two Aztec emperors.

  3. Oct 25, 2023 · Empress Isabel Moctezuma was the eldest daughter of Emperor Moctezuma II of the Aztec Empire. After the fall of the Aztec Empire, Empress Isabel Moctezuma began to ally herself with the Spanish conquistadors.

  4. She was the daughter of the Aztec emperor Moctezuma II and his wife Teotlalco. The Aztec Empire controlled a large territory in what is today called central and south Mexico. As emperor, Tecuichpotzin’s father ruled over an estimated five to six million people in four to five hundred states.

  5. Jul 2, 2023 · As a young woman known as Doña Isabel Moctezuma, she participated in history. In death she helped propagate an interesting future. The vast legacy of Doña Isabel, the last empress of the Aztecs, has yet to be fully examined or appreciated.

  6. This detailed study of Isabel de Moctezuma, affectionately called ‘the last Mexica princess’, was kindly written specially for us by Anastasia Kalyuta, an ethnohistorian based at the Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg, who has undertaken extensive research on Isabel’s life at the General Archive of the Indies in Seville, Spain.

  7. Aug 22, 2018 · Doña Isabel bore a son with her fifth husband and named him Andrade Gallego Moctezuma. Gallego died in 1532, and Doña Isabel married Juan Cano de Saavedra. He was her sixth and final husband.

  8. Isabel de Moctezuma fue una de las hijas del emperador azteca Moctezuma II y de su mujer Teotlacho. Representante de los orígenes de la nobleza hispano- mexicana, nació hacia el año 1509 y fue la última emperatriz de México-Tenochtitlán.

  9. Doña Isabel Moctezuma (born Tecuichpoch Ichcaxochitzin; 1509/1510 – 1550/1551) was a daughter of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II. She was the consort of Atlixcatzin, a tlacateccatl, and of the Aztec emperors Cuitlahuac, and Cuauhtemoc and as such the last Aztec empress.

  10. Doña Isabel de Tolosa Cortés de Moctezuma (1568 – 1619/1620), was a wealthy New Spanish heiress and the wife of conqueror and explorer Don Juan de Oñate who led an expedition in 1598 and founded the first Spanish settlement in what is now the state of New Mexico.