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    • Why the Future Is Democratic (April 2021) Christian Welzel. The swelling pessimism about democracy’s future is unwarranted. Values focused on human freedom are spreading throughout the world, and suggest that the future of self-government is actually quite bright.
    • The Rise of Political Violence in the United States (October 2021) Rachel Kleinfeld. Until recently, political violence in the United States was carried out by radical fringe groups.
    • Russia’s Road to Autocracy (October 2021) Michael McFaul. Thirty years after the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia is firmly in the grip of an autocrat. Where did Russia’s path go wrong?
    • China: Totalitarianism’s Long Shadow (April 2021) Minxin Pei. China’s fast economic rise has not dented its dictatorship, but Xi Jinping’s neo-Stalinist strategy has unleashed new challenges and tensions for the Communist Party’s long-term prospects for survival.
  1. Sep 29, 2023 · A political essay explains, explores, and often argues for or against a specific political position. A political essay can analyze a political situation, argue a particular issue, or reflect on a political event. One aim of a political essay is to inform readers about political matters and persuade them to adopt a particular point of view.

  2. The best political articles and essays -- Short articles and essays on politics by the world's best writers. Essays. Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid by Jonathan Haidt. It’s not just a phase. Constant Anxiety Won't Save the World by Julie Beck.

    • Political Essay Topics About History
    • Political Essay Topics About Ideologies
    • Political Essay Topics About International Relations
    • Political Essay Topics About Social Issues
    • Political Essay Topics About Economic Issues
    • Political Essay Topics About Politicians
    • Political Essay Topics About Elections
    • Political Essay Topics About Laws and Regulations
    • Political Essay Topics About Foreign Policy
    • Political Essay Topics About Civil Rights and Liberties
    Compare and contrast the policies of two different presidents.
    How did the Cold War shape American foreign policy?
    What was the most significant event of the 20th century?
    How did the American Revolution change the political landscape?
    What is the difference between socialism and communism?
    What is capitalism, and how has it changed over time?
    What is Marxism, and what are its significant tenets?
    What is fascism, and how did it come to power?
    Compare and contrast the foreign policies of two different countries.
    How has globalization changed the international political landscape?
    What are the major causes of war?
    How does terrorism impact international relations?
    How has the abortion debate changed over time?
    Discuss the political influences that make someone pro-choice or pro-life?
    How has the gay rights movement changed over time?
    Has the government been effective in stymieing the rise of racism?
    Should political affiliation have any bearing on economic policy?
    What is the difference between a free market and a command economy?
    How has globalization changed the world economy?
    What are the major issues facing today’s world economy, and are politics to blame?
    Compare and contrast the political careers of two different politicians.
    Analyze the effectiveness of a politician’s political campaigns.
    Discuss the role that charisma plays in politics.
    How much does a politician’s personal life influence their political career?
    Should the Electoral College be reformed or abolished?
    What is the difference between primary and general elections?
    Discuss the role that voter turnout plays in elections.
    How does gerrymandering influence elections?
    How does a bill become a law?
    What is the difference between a law and a regulation?
    How do regulatory agencies influence politics?
    Discuss the pros and cons of gun control laws.
    Should the United States have a policy of isolationism?
    How does foreign aid influence politics?
    Should the United States intervene in other countries’ affairs?
    How does the United Nations influence politics?
    What is the difference between civil rights and civil liberties?
    How do the Bill of Rights and the Constitution influence politics?
    Should there be limits on free speech?
    How do hate speech laws influence politics?
  3. Apr 5, 2023 · Political thinkers often write academic papers that explore different political concepts, policies, and events. The essay about politics may examine a wide range of topics such as government systems, political ideologies, social justice, public policies, international relations, etc.

  4. Jan 18, 2022 · Political essays are generally written formally to persuade readers to adopt an authors point of view. A political speech aims to persuade people and rally support for a person or party. A manifesto is an extended essay that lays out one’s beliefs and goals in great detail.

  5. Oct 22, 2020 · The political essay has never been a clearly defined genre. David Hume may have legitimated it in 1758 when he classified under a collective rubric his own Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary.