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  1. Muslims believe that Abraham was buried, along with his wife Sarah, at the Cave of the Patriarchs in the Old City of Hebron, the West Bank. Known to Muslims as the Sanctuary of Abraham it is also thought to be the burial site of his son Isaac, his wife Rebecca, their son Jacob, and his wife Leah.

  2. Ibrahim, known as Abraham in the Hebrew Bible, was given the title ‘ خليل الله’ KHALILULLAH’, which means ‘the friend of Allah’. Ibrahim (A.S.) was the forefather of many great Prophets and is held in high esteem by all the major revealed religions i-e Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  3. Abraham in the Biblical narrative is promised by God that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky; and in the 21st century more than three billion people cite Abraham as a patriarch of their religion.

  4. Muslims honor and respect the Prophet Abraham (known in the Arabic language as Ibrahim ). The Quran describes him as "a man of truth, a prophet" (Quran 19:41). Many aspects of Islamic worship, including pilgrimage and prayer, recognize and honor the importance of the life and teachings of this great prophet.

  5. Abraham is called Ibrahim by Muslims. They see him as the father of the Arab people as well as the Jewish people through his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael (Isma'il in Arabic). The Muslim story...

  6. From the Qur'an: "Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a Muslim, wholly devoted to Allah. And he certainly was not amongst those who associate others with Allah in His divinity." (Surah al-Imran, ayah 67)

  7. In Islam, Abraham is seen as a strict monotheist who calls his people to the worship of God alone. For this belief, he bears great hardships, even disassociating himself with his family and people through migration to various lands.