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  1. The Naples Conservatory of Music is a music school located in Naples, Italy. It is situated in the complex of San Pietro a Majella.

  2. The First Music Conservatories. The Four Conservatories of Naples. 1503 – 1826. In the 16th century Naples became the first city to establish conservatories to house and train orphan boys. The word "conservatory" came from "conservatorio" which was meant to "conserve" or save the children.

  3. By the 18th century, Naples was nicknamed the "conservatory of Europe" and was home and workshop to composers such as Alessandro Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Niccolò Piccinni, Domenico Cimarosa, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, etc.

  4. The four Neapolitan conservatories of Santa Maria di Loreto (1537), Pietà dei Turchini (1573), Poveri di Gesù Cristo (1589) and SantOnofrio a Porta Capuana (1578), were born as places of charity actions managed by the clergy of the city with the objective of accommodating poor or orphaned children.

  5. Feb 7, 2020 · A range of skilled trades were taught at the almost two hundred conservatories in Naples, including four conservatories that taught the trade of music. A seven- to ten-year-old boy entering one of the four music conservatories in Naples might as well have been enlisting in the army.

  6. Dec 8, 2015 · According to some estimates, there were seven conservatories and 617 religious institutions (including 248 churches) in mid-seventeenth-century Naples, offering musical education to 368 boys in 1660, a number that later increased.

  7. One of the principal foundations for instrumental music culture in Naples was supplied by the educational system of the Neapolitan conservatories. Rather than a critical investigation of their (well-known) histories, this chapter elucidates an understanding of their cultural, social, and educational identities, forming a holistic portrait of ...