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  1. A famous villanelle by Dylan Thomas, inspired by his father's death, urging people to resist the dying of the light. The poem explores different ways of facing death, from rage to acceptance, and ends with a personal plea to the poet's father.

  2. The title of George R. R. Martin 's sci-fi novel Dying of the Light, published in 1977, is based on one of the two refrains present in "Do not go gentle into that good night". The book deals with topics of the resistance and acceptance of death, on a planetary scale.

  3. - All Poetry. DT's father was going blind when DT wrote this poem. The dying of the light is a reference to darkness and being blind. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

  4. A famous poem by Dylan Thomas that urges people to resist the inevitable decline of old age and death. The phrase \"the dying of the light\" is repeated as a refrain throughout the poem, expressing the poet's defiance and grief.

  5. Dying of the Light is a 2014 American spy film, written and directed by Paul Schrader. It stars Nicolas Cage as an ex- CIA agent suffering from dementia who is on a personal mission to track down and kill a terrorist who had tortured him two decades earlier.

  6. A famous poem by Dylan Thomas that urges resistance against death and aging, using imagery of light, meteors, and lightning. The poem is addressed to the poet's father and reflects his own experience of losing his father and other loved ones.