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  1. Jun 27, 2018 · Can complications be fatal? The labor and birth process is usually straightforward, but sometimes complications arise that may need immediate attention. Complications can occur during any part of...

    • Karen Miles
    • Lightening. If this is your first pregnancy, you may feel what's known as lightening a few weeks before labor starts. Lightening means your baby has "dropped" and now rests lower in your pelvis.
    • Loss of the mucus plug. If your cervix begins to efface or dilate significantly as you get close to labor, you may pass your mucus plug – the small amount of thickened mucus that has collected within your cervical canal during your pregnancy.
    • Bloody show. You may have noticed more vaginal discharge during pregnancy, thanks to your body's increased estrogen. Normal, healthy discharge is usually creamy white or clear, but it may also be tinged brown, pink, or red.
    • Cervical dilation and effacement. In the days and weeks before delivery, changes in the connective tissue of your cervix make it soften and lead to dilation and effacement.
  2. Feb 20, 2023 · Prolonged labor is labor that has slow progression — whether in the first or second stage. If your baby isn’t born after 20 or more hours of contractions, you’re most likely in prolonged labor. Also called failure to progress, providers can safely manage this condition with medications to help speed labor along.

    • Your baby “drops” If you’re a first-time mom your baby will typically start to drop, or descend into your pelvis, a few weeks before labor begins (usually around two to four weeks before, but it can vary).
    • Your cervix dilates. Your cervix, too, is starting to prepare for birth: It starts to dilate (open) and efface (thin out) in the days or weeks before you deliver.
    • You feel more cramps and increased back pain. Especially if this is not your first pregnancy, you may feel some crampiness and pain in your lower back and groin as labor nears.
    • Your joints feel looser. Throughout your pregnancy, the hormone relaxin has made your ligaments loosen up a little (it’s also responsible for your potential bouts of clumsiness this past trimester).
  3. Oct 24, 2014 · The extent to what bad labor conditions across the globe are associated with international trade is unknown. Here, we quantify the bad labor conditions associated with consumption in seven world regions, the “bad labor” footprint.

    • Moana Silva Simas, Laura Golsteijn, Mark A. J Huijbregts, Richard Wood, Edgar G. Hertwich
    • 2014
    • Bad Labor1
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  4. Sep 15, 2022 · Prodromal labor can be painful, come every five minutes and last 60 seconds each. This is very similar to active labor contractions. However, prodromal labor never advances beyond this point. It doesn’t mean labor is coming or that your cervix has started to dilate (open) or efface (thin).

  5. Some of the more common complications are: 1, 2. Labor that does not progress. Sometimes contractions weaken, the cervix does not dilate enough or in a timely manner, or the infant's descent in the birth canal does not proceed smoothly.