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  1. Nov 15, 2018 · This web page explores the pros and cons of having a second child based on various studies. It covers topics such as happiness, meaning, marriage, family life, health, and spending.

    • Prioritize One-On-One Time. When your older child is used to having to all to themselves, having a sibling can feel disruptive, even provoking feelings of jealousy (which in kid terms can look like acting out).
    • Don’t Compare Your Kids. You love both your kids equally, but Walfish says it’s natural and normal for parents to feel favoritism every now and then. Some kids are easier to deal with than others, and you might have more in common with one of your children than the other.
    • Create Separate Play Spaces. All kids need time for independent play to feel balanced and healthy, and according to Laura Froyen, Ph.D., an early childhood and parenting specialist, it’s important to prioritize that.
    • Buy Two Of The Same Toys (When You Can) Learning to share is part of healthy development. But sometimes, it’s healthy for parents to strategically avoid conflict and stress in the home.
  2. Sep 15, 2021 · If you are wondering whether to have a second child, this web page lists the advantages and disadvantages of expanding your family. It covers topics such as play, cuddles, expenses, sharing, rivalry, and sleep with two children.

    • Two kids allow for one-on-one attention. We’ve all heard the adage that parenting two kids is (wo)man-to-(wo)man defense, and parenting three kids is zone defense.
    • The little years don’t last forever. When you have more than two children, you likely end up staying a longer duration in the toddler years (Read: changing dirty diapers, cleaning out rotten milk sippy cups, and dealing with threenager’s attitudes . . . )
    • Finances are practical. Life is expensive, especially if you’re looking at daycare costs! And if both parents are working, they can spend a college savings worth of finances on daycare fees by the time your children start grade school, which can sometimes make it seem more reasonable for one person to quit their job while littles are at home.
    • Schedules are maintainable. After three children, I always told my friends that staying at home with them no longer had periods of feeling like I had nothing to do.
    • Heidi Butler
    • Get Your Toddler Involved in Daily Tasks. This is a big one! My son loves to help. By getting him involved in daily tasks, he feels important. However, this isn't limited to just chores around the house; he also helps with tasks that involve baby brother!
    • Align Afternoon Naps. Most toddlers only take one nap a day and these typically land in the afternoon. If you can manage to align your toddler and newborn naps, you suddenly give yourself a window to regain your sanity.
    • Have “Toddler Time” During Morning Naps. Since your baby likely takes an extra nap in the morning hours, this is the perfect window for you to have one-on-one time with your toddler.
    • Invest in a Sling or Baby Carrier. Chasing after a toddler with a baby in your arms is a pain in the, well, you know. Skip the stress and wear your baby throughout the day!
  3. Mar 1, 2023 · Check out our favorite tride-and-true strategies for managing two kids every day -- we cover everything from breastfeeding to sleeping to TCOB!

  4. A poem about two children, one sad and melancholy, and one joyful and blissful, who meet under a lonely tree. The poem explores the themes of fate, love, and heaven, and contrasts the dark and light sides of life.