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  1. Lux in tenebris is a Latin phrase from the Vulgate Bible which means, "light in darkness". The phrase is part of the fifth verse of the Gospel of John, which was translated from the original Greek as follows:

  2. Feb 12, 2021 · A user asks for the most correct Latin translation of this phrase on Latin Language Stack Exchange. See the answer, the source, and the tips on how to ask for a translation.

  3. lux sit let there be light A more literal Latinization of the phrase; the most common translation is fiat lux , from Latin Vulgate Bible phrase chosen for the Genesis line "וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי-אוֹר" (And God said: 'Let there be light.'

    labor ipse voluptas
    The pleasure is in the work itself.
    Hard work conquers all.
    laborare pugnare parati sumus
    To work, (or) to fight; we are ready
    labore et honore
    By labour and honour
  4. LUX IN TENEBRIS. Light in the darkness. Title of Christ, based on the prologue of St. John's Gospel, and frequently used as a motto in Christian art and architecture.

  5. This is the Latin Vulgate version of John 1:5, which means "And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not". It is part of the prologue of the Gospel of John, which describes the incarnation of the Word of God.

  6. {1:5} et lux in tenebris lucet, et tenebræ eam non comprehenderunt. {1:5} And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. ~ The darkness represents the fallen angels and all evil in the world, which cannot understand the light of goodness.

  7. Compare the Latin Vulgate version of John 1:5 with other translations in English, Greek, Arabic, Spanish, and more. See how the light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not comprehend it.