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  1. If you wanted to Booleanize 5/0 using a double-bang, you'd need to use !!(5/0). –

  2. We can use this to cast a variable to true or false using the double bang operator. Let’s dive deep into what it is and how it works. The ! in JavaScript, also called “bang”, is the logical “not” operator.

  3. You should use the double-bang operator in JavaScript when you either need a strict Boolean value; or, when you're passing a value out-of-scope and you don't know if the value will be consumed as a strict Boolean. On the latter point, the "don't know" portion is critical.

  4. Although not the most common use of a logical operator in JavaScript, the “double bang” or double exclamation mark “!!” recently caught my attention. Let’s dive into its mechanics,...

  5. What is the Double-Bang Operator? The double-bang operator, represented as !!, is a shorthand in JavaScript for converting values to their boolean representation. It's a simple yet powerful...

  6. Jun 17, 2017 · The Second Shot — Double Bang! If a bang (“!”) returns the opposite truthy value, what would a bang executed twice on a value do? So, running a bang twice determines the opposite of value, and then returns the opposite of that.

  7. Oct 4, 2015 · I recently reviewed code from a coworker, in which I suggested removing the famous double-bang (`!!`) construct from the return value of a function named `hasFeature ()`. The following...