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  1. The Commies Are Coming, the Commies Are Coming ★★ Red Nightmare 1957. Cult classic will leave viewers red from laughing in disbelief. Webb narrates this anticommunist movie about the Russians taking over the United States. Filmed in a documentary style, it captures the paranoia of the times.

  2. An American man awakens to find that communist forces have taken over the United States.

    • Drama
    • Jack Kelly
    • George Waggner
    • Walk A Crooked Mile
    • My Son John
    • Diplomatic Courier
    • Walk East on Beacon Street (1952) ‍
    • Never Let Me Go (1953)‍
    • The Commies Are Coming, The Commies Are Coming / Red Nightmare (1962)‍

    This film makes the FBI look so incompetent director J. Edgar Hoover reportedly complained about it. Set in the Cold War at a California atomic research plant, it involves an FBI agent and a Scotland Yard inspector who join forces to eliminate a foreign atomic spy ring operating in the US and Britain. Featuring Louis Hayward, Dennis O'Keefe. (Strea...

    Often cited as the most over-the-top, melodramatic movie of its genre, My Son John revolves around the Jeffersons, an all-American family in a small town who welcome home their son John after a long absence only to hear him spouting views that may be communist. (Stream for free on YouTube) ‍

    This Cold War spy thriller benefits from an excellent cast including Charles Bronson, Karl Malden, E.G. Marshall, Lee Marvin, Patricia Neal, Hidegarde Neff (Knef), and Tyrone Power. The plot involves courier Mike Kells (Tyrone Power) who must retrieve a dispatch containing top-secret intelligence. Unfortunately his contact turns up dead and Kells m...

    The intriguing story of a Boston-based spy ring. The screenplay was inspired by a J. Edgar Hoover article, ‘The Crime of the Century: The Case of the A-Bomb Spies’ involving German physicist and atomic spyKlaus Fuchs. The real-life atomic spying is replaced with vague top-secret scientific programs with some of the footage shot in FBI laboratories....

    Clark Gable’s remake of Comrade X. The 1953 British adventure romance stars Clark Gable and Gene Tierney about a Moscow-based journalist who falls in love with a ballerina. One thing leads to another and he finds himself scheming to sail to Tallinn where the Bolshoi is scheduled to perform, in order to clandestinely leave with Marya during the Cold...

    Now a cult classic, the movie involves an American man who awakens to find that communist forces have taken over the US. The film was produced by the US Department of Defense to shape public opinion against communism and later released on TV as an educational school film under the Red Nightmare title. Narrated by Jack Webb - Sgt. Joe Friday in the ...

  3. Cult classic will leave viewers red from laughing in disbelief. Webb narrates this anti-communist movie about the Russians taking over the United States. Filmed in a documentary style, it captures the paranoia of the times. Re-released in 1984, just before the Evil Empire collapsed.

  4. "The Commies Are Coming, the Commies Are Coming" is unintentionally one of the most laughable movies ever. It portrays a wholesome American small town getting taken over by the Soviet Union, and one man gets accused of "deviationism" and subsequently gets executed.

  5. Jan 24, 2014 · The Commies are coming! A paranoid red-scare delusion in which America in invaded and defeated by an unnamed country (but we know it's really Russia). Stars Gerald Mohr and Peggie Castle.

  6. Aug 24, 2021 · Film. The Commies Are Coming! by Chicago Reader October 26, 1985. Anticommunist films of the 50s, including Target: Youth and Jack Webb’s Red Nightmare. Reader Recommends: FILM & TV. Our...