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  1. Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (c. 1893 – 1959) was a Tibetan lama, a master of many lineages, and a teacher of many of the major figures in 20th-century Tibetan Buddhism.

  2. Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro was one of the most influential religious teachers in Kham in the first half of the twentieth century. One of multiple reincarnations of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, he served as head of Dzongsar Monastery, which he enlarged, founding the monastic college, Khamshe, in 1918.

  3. Texts by and about the renowned non-sectarian master Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö ( 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros, 1893–1959) of Dzongsar: Advice. A Blissful Path to Awakening | Advice. This simple advice covering the entire Buddhist path was composed at the request of Degyal Rinpoche (b. 1937).

  4. Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (Tib. འཇམ་དབྱངས་མཁྱེན་བརྩེ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་བློ་གྲོས་, Wyl. ‘jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros) (1893-1959) was an activity incarnation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, and perhaps the most outstanding Tibetan master of the twentieth century ...

  5. Before the conflict could develop, the king of Derge sent his own emissary, a minister called Jagö Tobden, who stated very clearly that Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö was the one to stay in the main seat of Dzongsar, and the other incarnation was to stay in Galon monastery.

  6. Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ( ’Jam-dbyangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi blo-gros ), also known as Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ( rDzong-gsar mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros ), was born in 1893 in the Kham region of eastern Tibet. At the age of seven, he was brought to Kathok Monastery ( Kah-thog dGon ), where he was recognized as an emanation of ...

  7. Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö, c. 1893 – 1959) Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros) was a Tibetan lama, a master of many lineages, and a teacher of many of the major figures in 20th-century Tibetan Buddhism.