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  1. › wiki › PenebuiPenebui - Wikipedia

    Great of Hetes-Scepters. Penebui depicted on a year tablet with blood streaming from her head. Penebui was an early Egyptian queen and most possibly the wife of king Djer during the 1st Dynasty.

  2. Queen Penebui on a label found in the tomb of Hemaka in Saqqara. The title “Great of Sceptre” written before her name, Penebui is believed to have been a queen who lived during the 1st Dynasty. She is mentioned on several year labels dated to the reign of Horus Djer, making it likely that she was one of his wives.

  3. Penebui merupakan seorang ratu Mesir awal dan kemungkinan besar adalah istri Raja Djer selama Dinasti ke-1. Namanya ditemukan terukir pada beberapa tag gading. Identitas. Setidaknya terdapat tiga tag gading yang menampilkan ratu Penebui.

  4. › wiki › DjerDjer - Wikipedia

    • Name
    • Reign
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    • Tomb
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    • Bibliography

    The Abydos King List lists the third pharaoh as Iti, the Turin King List lists a damaged name, beginning with It..., while Manetho lists Kenkenês. Jürgen von Beckerathin the Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen (1999) translates the hieroglyphs of the name Djer as "Defender of Horus."

    Djer's reign was preceded by a regency controlled by Neithhotep, possibly his mother or grandmother. The evidence for Djer's life and reign is: 1. Tomb in Umm el-Qa'ab, Abydos 2. Seal prints from graves 2185 and 3471 in Saqqara 3. Inscriptions in graves 3503, 3506 and 3035 in Saqqara 4. Seal impression and inscriptions from Helwan 5. Jar from Turah...

    Djer was a son of the pharaoh Hor-Aha and his wife Khenthap.[citation needed] His grandfather was probably Narmer. Djer fathered Merneith, wife of Djet and mother of Den. Women carrying titles later associated with queens such as Great One of the Hetes-Sceptre and She who Sees/Carries Horus were buried in subsidiary tombs near the tomb of Djer in A...

    Similarly to his father Hor-Aha, Djer was buried in Umm el-Qa'ab at Abydos. Djer's tomb is tomb O of Petrie. His tomb contains the remains of 318 retainers who were buried with him. At some point, Djer's tomb was devastated by fire, possibly as early as the Second Dynasty. During the Middle Kingdom, the tomb of Djer was revered as the tomb of Osiri...

    Small ivory label of Djer mentioning the name of a fortress or domain of the king "Hor-Djer-ib".
    Seal impression with the serekh of Djer found in Abydos, on display at the British Museum
    Ceremonial flint knife with the Horus name of Djer inscribed on its gold handle, on display at the Royal Ontario Museum.
    Close-up view of Djer's serekh on the ceremonial flint knife of the Royal Ontario Museum.
    Toby A. H. Wilkinson, Early Dynastic Egypt, Routledge, London/New York 1999, ISBN 0-415-18633-1, 71-73
    Toby Wilkinson, Royal Annals of Ancient Egypt: The Palermo Stone and Its Associated Fragments, (Kegan Paul International), 2000.
  5. Penebui là một nữ hoàng Ai Cập thời kỳ đầu rấtthể là vợ của vua Djer trong triều đại thứ 1. Tên của bà đã được tìm thấy khắc trên một số thẻ ngà .

  6. Penebui was an early Egyptian queen and probably a wife of King Djer during the 1st dynasty. Your name and title engraved on several ivory plaques. Identity

  7. penebui.newgrounds.comPenebui

    Penebui. 1. ART3. FAVES1. I am Penn/Plasma. I am Bigender (Transguy/Agender), and my pronouns are It/its and He/Him. Please note that I am 16 yrs old. Check out my Links to know about me more. Have a nice day!!