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  1. The Hongxi Emperor (16 August 1378 – 29 May 1425), personal name Zhu Gaochi (朱高熾), was the fourth emperor of the Ming dynasty, reigned from 1424 to 1425. He was the eldest son of the Yongle Emperor and Empress Renxiaowen and the maternal grandson of Xu Da , Prince of Zhongshan.

  2. Chinese history. In China: The dynastic succession. The Hongxi (reigned 1424–25), Xuande (1425–35), and Hongzhi (1487–1505) emperors were nevertheless able and conscientious rulers in the Confucian mode.

  3. The 3rd (Yongle) Ming emperor, died in 1424 and was succeeded by his first son, Zhu Gaochi, with a reign title of Hongxi ("Vast Splendor" or "Vastly Bright"). His temple name Renzong meant "Benevolent Ancestor". Zhu Gaochi was already quite familiar with managing the imperial administration, when he ascended the throne.

  4. 明仁宗洪熙皇帝名朱高炽洪武十一年戊午1378年七月廿三日生于凤阳明成祖永乐皇帝长子母仁孝文皇后徐氏为开国元勋 徐达 之女。 朱高炽幼年即读儒家经书,沉静好文,在祖父 朱元璋 时期就粗知儒家治国之道,深受朱元璋的宠爱。 洪武二十八年 (1395年)被册封为燕世子。 永乐二年 (1404年)被立为皇太子。 永乐七年(1409年)以后,成祖朱棣因北征和筹划迁都,常留北京,命太子朱高炽 监国 ,处理国家日常政务。 直至永乐十九年(1421年),随成祖到北京。 监国时期的朱高炽,是在父皇多疑,汉王朱高熙、赵王朱高燧二王的陷害中度日的。 高炽性格文静,体弱多病,性格与永乐相左,日而 汉王朱高煦 因“ 靖难 ”有功得到永乐帝的宠爱,永乐帝有易立太子之心,以致父子矛盾日益尖锐。

  5. The Hongxi Emperor, personal name Zhu Gaochi (朱高熾), was the fourth emperor of the Ming dynasty, reigned from 1424 to 1425. He was the eldest son of the Yongle Emperor and Empress Renxiaowen and the maternal grandson of Xu Da, Prince of Zhongshan.

  6. The Hongxi Emperor, personal name Zhu Gaochi, was the fourth emperor of the Ming dynasty of China. Background. He succeeded his father, the Yongle Emperor, in 1424. Zhu Gaochi was born on 16 August 1378 and was educated by prominent Confucian tutors. He often acted as regent in Nanjing or Beijing during his father"s northern military campaigns.

  7. The Hongxi Emperor (16 August 1378 – 29 May 1425), personal name Zhu Gaochi (朱高熾), was the fourth emperor of the Ming dynasty, reigned from 1424 to 1425.

  8. Jul 22, 2019 · The Hongxi Emperor inherited a treasury that was much emptier than it might have been, if not for his father's Indian Ocean adventures. China was self-sufficient; it didn't need anything from the Indian Ocean world, so why send out these huge fleets?

  9. Early life. Hereditary prince. Zhu Gaochi was born on 16 August 1378, the eldest son of Zhu Di, the fourth son of the Hongwu Emperor and Prince of Yan, and his principal consort, Lady Xu. He received a traditional education in both military and Confucian studies.

  10. Jul 3, 2019 · Zhu Di (May 2, 1360–August 12, 1424), also known as the Yongle Emperor, was the third ruler of China's Ming Dynasty. He embarked on a series of ambitious projects, including the lengthening and widening of the Grand Canal, which carried grain and other goods from southern China to Beijing.