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  1. Recruitment Talents around the World for Xidian University. May 21, 2024; The 4th International Conference on Sensing, Measurement and Data... January 5, 2024

  2. Xidian University is one of China's National Key Universities managed by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Xidian University is organized into 17 schools. The university has undergraduate programs covering engineering, science, management and economics. It also offers Master's and PhD degrees.

  3. 西安电子科技大学是以信息与电子学科为主文多学科协调发展的全国重点大学直属教育部是国家优势学科创新平台项目和211工程项目重点建设高校之一是全国56所设有研究生院的高校之一首批35所示范性软件学院的高校之一和首批 ...

  4. 西安电子科技大学Xidian University简称西电”,位于陕西省西安市是教育部直属的一所以电子与信息学科为特色经等多学科协调发展的全国重点大学是国家公办全日制普通本科高校

  5. Xidian University is a key national university under the Ministry of Education of China. It focuses primarily on electronics and information education and research, and also offers a wide range of academic subjects covering engineering, science, management, economics, arts and social sciences.

  6. Xidian University was founded in 1931 and since then has educated more than 200,000 graduates. It is focused mainly on research into science innovation, electronics and information technology across a range of subjects including engineering, economics and the social sciences.

  7. XDU has established cooperative relationships with 166 universities and institutions in more than 35 countries and regions . 67 . 67 joint laboratories have been founded with multinational corporations, including Microsoft, ... Renamed as Xidian University. 1988. Supported by National Project211. 1997. Supported by National Project211. 2004 ...

  8. Overview. Directly under the Ministry of Education, XDU is a national key university featuring electronic and information science. XDU has 26 colleges, more than 37,000 students, and...

  9. 学校简介. 以信息与电子学科为主文多学科协调发展的全国重点大学直属教育部国家优势学科创新平台项目和211工程项目重点建设高校之一国家双创示范基地之一首批35所示范性软件学院首批9所示范性微电子学院首批9所获批 ...

  10. Xidian university has a library on both campuses, sharing resources. The two libraries, consisting of six departments, have a gross floor area of about 59,700 square meters and can accommodate...