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  1. Düşüncede özgür, eğitimde çağdaş, bilimde evrensel. Cumhuriyetin temel ilkelerini özümsemiş, Atatürkçü, laik, demokrasinin tüm kurallarına uyan, etkin, akılcı, düşünen, okuyan, araştıran, üreten, dünya gençliği ile her alanda yarışabilen, çağdaş ve aydın gençleri Türkiye'nin geleceğine hazırlıyoruz...

  2. Maltepe University (Turkish: Maltepe Üniversitesi) is a private university located in Maltepe district of Istanbul, Turkey. It was established on July 9, 1997 by "Istanbul Marmara Education Foundation" (İMEV).

  3. Maltepe University

  4. Free in Thought, Modern in Education, Universal in Science.

  5. Maltepe University. Read More. Discover Maltepe University! For more information about Maltepe University, you can visit our campus. Discover Now. Write Your Own Story at YKS! Maltepe University motivates students with an animated film addressing university candidates given the number of days before Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS).

  6. Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey. Find every English-taught Bachelor's degree from Maltepe University, organised by subjects and best info to help you select the right degree.

  7. Welcome to our International Students Home Page. To study in a world class campus, located in a symbolic city: Istanbul, start discovering Maltepe University now!