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  1. KNEU Kyiv College of Information Systems and Technologies. College of economics and management. Kryvyy Rig College of Economics and Management of Kyiv National Economic University. KNEU Romny college. Contacts of the admissions committee.

  2. The Kyiv National Economic University is the largest economic educational institution in Ukraine. It is recognized in Ukraine and in the world as a training center for economists, managers and lawyers . The area of the university is 118,765 m 2 or 9.4 m 2 per student.

  3. Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана. Київський національний економічний. університет. Файли сайту. Університет. Про університет. Історія КНЕУ. Ректорат ...

  4. Jun 8, 2021 · Kryvyy Rig College of Economics and Management of Kyiv National Economic University; KNEU Romny college; Contacts of the admissions committee; Second higher education. Post-graduate Education Centre (specialist level) Science. Department for training and certification of scientific personnel; Department of scientific information; Institute of ...

  5. Kyiv National Economic University, named after Vadym Hetman, is one of the leading and biggest economic higher education establishments in Ukraine.

  6. Офіційний сайт | Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

  7. The Economics and Management Faculty is one of the leading faculties of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University. Being a leader means for the Faculty to have an especially responsible stance in plans of the University's implementation of its development strategy with the status of a research university.