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  1. Édouard Adolphe Drumont (3 May 1844 – 5 February 1917) was a French antisemitic journalist, author and politician. He initiated the Antisemitic League of France in 1889, and was the founder and editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole (founded in 1892).

  2. Édouard Drumont, né le 3 mai 1844 à Paris et mort le 3 février 1917 dans la même ville, est un journaliste, écrivain, polémiste et homme politique français d' extrême droite . Fondateur du journal La Libre Parole, antidreyfusard, nationaliste et antisémite, il participe à la fondation de la Ligue nationale anti-sémitique de France.

    • 3 mai 1844Paris
    • Édouard Adolphe Drumont
  3. EDOUARD DRUMONT AND THE ORIGINS OF MODERN ANTI-SEMITISM. BY. Thomas P. Anderson* With the anti-Semitism of Hitler's Germany still so. minds, it is perhaps only natural that the study of the. anti-Semitic doctrines has focused on Germany.

  4. Oct 1, 2019 · Drumont was the most vocal and fanatical of the numerous French public figures decrying Jewishtreachery’ following the (false) accusations against Captain Dreyfus.

  5. Quick Reference. (1844–1917). France's foremost antisemite of the period 1880–1900, Drumont had his first great success with La France juive (1886), a turgid diatribe attacking Jewish power in contemporary society, which became ... From: Drumont, Édouard in The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French » Subjects: Literature. Reference entries.

  6. DRUMONT, ÉDOUARD (18441917), French publicist and anti-Semitic activist. Few cases of notoriety are as puzzling as the strange case of Édouard Drumont. Drumont, a French publicist, emerged suddenly in 1886 to become one of Europe's leading anti-Semitic activists.

  7. In France: Opportunist control. …when a muckraking journalist named Édouard Drumont obtained evidence that agents of the company had bribed a large number of politicians and journalists in a desperate effort to get funds to keep the company afloat.