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  1. How do you say Will You Marry Me in Chinese? Asked by: Sidney Beckham 31082 views chinese, will you marry me. 15 Translations.

  2. Yahoo! Babel Fish was a free Web-based machine translation service by Yahoo!. In May 2012 it was replaced by Bing Translator (now Microsoft Translator), to which queries were redirected. Although Yahoo! has transitioned its Babel Fish translation services to Bing Translator, it did not sell its translation application to Microsoft outright.

  3. › translateBabelfish Latest

    Jun 28, 1995 · Asked by: Robert Haydon 104000 views awesome, french. 13 Translations.

  4. Nov 18, 2014 · Perhaps the most famous depiction is the Babel Fish, a surreal invention of the late novelist Douglas Adams, and the inspiration of the name of Yahoo!’s translation engine.

  5. Jun 3, 2012 · The long running Babel Fish website language translator feature on Yahoo is now no more. It has been quietly replaced with Microsoft's own Bing Translator system.

  6. Jun 28, 1995 ·® is an free online translator for users to translate phrases and sentences into any language. If you’re not sure how to translate a word or phrase, post it under ‘ How do you say ..’ and get free help from the Babelfish community.

  7. May 30, 2012 · Babel Fish. We support all the languages you used with Babel Fish and provide a superset of all the features. You will notice a welcome banner indicating your transition to the Bing Translator site from a Yahoo site when you arrive at Bing Translator.