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  1. The 'Poor Law' of Deuteronomy - Biblical Justice Includes ‘Social Justice’. I recently finished reading through Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy records the renewal of the Sinai covenant by the new generation of Israelites about to enter the Promised Land after the death of the Exodus generation in the wilderness. Moses declares God’s covenant ...

  2. Mar 25, 2021 · I am grieved that some victims feel let down by the process that was followed, though I understand their suspicions as to whether it would be fair and safe, especially in the light of the appalling way in which the John Smyth abuse was handled by the leaders of Iwerne at the time.

  3. Mar 9, 2021 · There is growing ethnic diversity, with churches reporting 13% of their congregations from a non-white background. Recent years have seen more black majority churches joining FIEC, including in recent months a Tamil Church and a church of migrants and refugees from Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo.

  4. Mar 9, 2015 · - Martyn Lloyd-Jones Is Right That John Owen Was Wrong My views on the normal Christian life, the relationship between temptation and sin, and the degree of victory we can expect in the struggle against sin are, I think, almost identical to those of Martyn Lloyd-Jones in his expositions of Romans.

  5. Nov 22, 2018 · When various legal highs were banned, drugs used by male homosexuals to improve their sex lives were excluded form prohibition. It is for this reason that Gay Pride events cannot be regarded as celebrations of faithful monogamy between same-sex couples. They are a celebration of promiscuity.

  6. Sep 20, 2013 · Trinity Church will be meeting in the centre of the city, and it will be the first time that there has been a truly evangelical free church in central Oxford for 150 years or so. Trinity Church will be led by Peter Comont, who has been in Oxford for many years already serving as the pastor of Magdalen Road Church.

  7. Jul 19, 2024 · Book Review - John Mark Comer ‘Practicing The Way’ | I have been helped and challenged by reading John Mark Comer’s recent book Practicing the Way. It is a call to pursue spiritual formation and to adopt an intentional ‘rule of life’ for this purpose.

  8. Jan 18, 2019 · I am no doubt influenced by the fact that some of my best friends, partners in gospel ministry and evangelical heroes are paedobaptists. I am conscious that my position can be critiqued as inconsistent and pragmatic, but in my view that is true of everyone.

  9. Dec 12, 2022 · Homosexuality: To Affirm Is To Apostatise - The Bible Demands That We Treat Human Sexuality As a First Order Salvation Issue | There is no greater internal challenge facing the church in the UK than the pressure to revise the orthodox historic teaching on human sexuality and accept and affirm same-sex relationships.

  10. Oct 17, 2016 · The hostility and mutual suspicion generated fractured gospel unity for a generation. Many have written about what happened, often to defend either Lloyd-Jones or John Stott, and have shared their recollections and their testimony to the impact that the evening had on their lives and ministries.