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  1. Apr 24, 2022 · According to BT in his written article (Air International) about IRIAF operations during Nagorno Karabakh war, IRIAF uses a some form of a novel data link that works for upgraded F-14 AM, Kowsar (Serial 3-7401 was deployed for battle testing) as TAB-2 Tabriz based squadrons and nearby Airdefence batteries (S-300, Bavar-373 he says) were all connected with Sepeher OTHR on Datalink.

  2. Aug 24, 2008 · Sep 7, 2020. #1. September 6 marks the 55th Defence Day of Pakistan – a day we commemorate our historic ‘victory’ against India in the 1965 war. Precursors to and the actual celebrations include military parades, fly-pasts, wartime songs dominating the airwaves, media being abuzz with stories of the heroic sacrifices rendered during the war.

  3. Lets discuss Kowsar's, current and future prospects with proper info slides. Specification with confirmed and probable Local integrations. Airframe Engine Cockpit & Radar Avionics Some new and previous testing photos on Saegeh. Air-Air + ECM Air-Ground

  4. Chinese Defence Forum. Discussions relating to Pakistan's ally, and a new emerging power. Discussion strictly on the military over view, weapons development, and defence industry. China has tested an intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 12,000 kilometers after 44 years. Friday at 4:50 PM.

  5. Apr 30, 2014 · A total of 1,170 pictures and 2,834 artifacts are on display at the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression near Lugou Bridge, also known as Marco Polo Bridge, where Japan's full-scale invasion of China began 78 years ago.

  6. 6 days ago · The other main reason is that the nature of war has changed. We are living in the age of hybrid wars, where kinetic action is the last resort, and much of the battle is waged in the information, economic and other domains to break the will of the enemy. This is sometimes referred to as the fifth-generation of war.

  7. Apr 9, 2021 · So far china only raised warm words. China will never support putins war in Ukraine. It would be a decleration of war against Europe. This isnt about USA, its about Putin waging war in Europe. It is not in Europes interest to let this facist dictator win. And Chinas entire trade politics are based on cordial relations with Europe.

  8. Feb 26, 2012 · The latest (unveiled) tech: 1) Fattah which uses fins and motor to provide lift during HGV maneuvers (guess it isn’t susceptible to your Hollywood voo doo EW magic) 2) classified Qiam/Sejill warhead seen in war games that is not only finless but uses gas thrusters to deviate its trajectory during Re-entry allowing significant maneuvering according to Patarames

  9. Feb 5, 2011 · Both use advanced next-generation avionics, electronic warfare systems, composite materials, and the same PL-15 and PL-10 air-to-air missiles, both of which are also used by the J-20. The PL-15 missile uses AESA radar guidance, the only air-to-air missile outside of Japan that has been proven to use an AESA radar guidance head, and has an estimated range of 250 to 300 kilometers.

  10. Country. Location. Jul 8, 2020. #1. "INDIAN NON – CONTACT WARFARE"Introduction. The concept of war expands as technology provides new options and means. The induction of long range missiles, high precision smart weapons, unmanned systems, robots and satellites, has given military planners a new dimension in the prosecution of war.