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  1. › wiki › KarmaKarma - Wikipedia

    A karma theory considers not only the action, but also the actor's intentions, attitude, and desires before and during the action. The karma concept thus encourages each person to seek and live a moral life, as well as avoid an immoral life. The meaning and significance of karma is thus as a building-block of an ethical theory. Rebirth

  2. Karma (bahasa Sanskerta: कर्म Karma.ogg ⓘ) adalah konsep "aksi" atau "perbuatan" yang dalam agama Hindu dan agama Buddha dipahami sebagai sesuatu yang menyebabkan seluruh siklus kausalitas (yaitu, siklus yang disebut "samsara").

  3. Nov 5, 2020 · The 12 laws of karma can help you understand how karma really works and how to create good karma in your life. Let’s look at each of these laws in more detail.

  4. Karma mengacu pada desakan-desakan batin – yang berdasar pada pola-pola perilaku kita sebelumnya – yang mendorong kita untuk bertindak, berbicara, dan berpikir sebagaimana kita adanya.

  5. Karma refers to the mental impulses – based on our previous behavioral patterns – that drive us to act, speak, and think the way we do. Our habits pave neural pathways in our brains that, when triggered by the right circumstances, cause us to repeat our ordinary patterns of behavior.

  6. Dec 4, 2015 · Karma is a Sanskrit word that primarily means 'action' but for South Asian Religions (and Philosophy) it is not limited to that as the term has gained various meanings and connotations over time. The term karma connects actions and results.

  7. Kamma (Bahasa Pali) atau Karma (Bahasa Sansekerta) artinya perbuatan, entah itu perbuatan baik atau buruk yang dilakukan melalui pikiran, ucapan dan perbuatan badan jasmani yang disertai dengan niat/kemauan/ kehendak (cetana). Suatu perbuatan baru dapat disebut kamma/karma bila dilakukan dengan niat (cetana), apabila suatu perbuatan yang ...

  8. Mar 8, 2023 · Karma means “action”, a term used in Buddhism to describe the law of cause and effect. It refers to the idea that our actions, thoughts, and words create a ripple effect that influences our future experiences. In other words, the energy we put into the world comes back to us somehow, either in this lifetime or future.

  9. Feb 13, 2019 · In Buddhism, karma has a more specific meaning, which is volitional or willful action. Things we choose to do or say or think set karma into motion. The law of karma is therefore a law of cause and effect as defined in Buddhism . Sometimes Westerners use the word karma to mean the result of karma.

  10. Jun 24, 2024 · karma, in Indian religion and philosophy, the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual’s existence. Karma represents the ethical dimension of the process of rebirth ( samsara ), belief in which is generally shared among the religious traditions of India.

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