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  1. A Taurus man who loves you will want you by his side, be super sexual, vulnerable, loyal, and protective. He'll also be chivalrous, jealous, and handsy with you. Learn more about how to spot a smitten Taurus man's behaviors and how to keep him.

    • The Taurus Man: Overview & Personality Traits. Despite often being seen as big, burly, tough guys, don’t forget that the Taurus man is ruled by Venus, the planet of love.
    • The Taurus Man: In Love & Sex Life. Taurus men make dependable and dedicated love matches for the right partner, one who will be willing to take their time with them and appreciate all they have to offer.
    • The Taurus Man: Home & Family. A homebody at heart, the Taurus man is happiest hanging out comfortably on the couch, getting cozy with his honey. He has an appetite for comfort food, and may sometimes overindulge at home, which is his haven of rest, comfort, and pleasure.
    • The Taurus Man: Work & Money. Taurean dudes are solid, helpful, super sweet, and strong as hell. You want to be on their team should an apocalyptic situation ever befall you, because they’ve probably been collecting all sorts of seemingly useless information related to survival for years now.
    • 77.4K
    • He wants to spend time with you. A Taurus in love won't be able to get enough of you! Taurus values connection and communication, so he'll spend every free moment with you.
    • He pays you compliments. A Taurus in love makes you feel like the most special person in the world. He has a way of being thoughtful and sweet to someone he loves.
    • He showers you with gifts or kind gestures. Taurus's ruling planet Venus is all about romance. You'll find your guy splurging on thoughtful gifts or taking you to nice restaurants.
    • He’s physically affectionate. Taurus is a very sensual sign, so he'll make lots of physical contact. If he feels a bond with you, he'll reach out and touch you—he'll brush against your shoulder, hold hands, rub your back, etc.
    • Dote on him. As we talked about earlier, nurturing the Taurus man makes him feel loved and gives him a major aspect of what he’s looking for in a relationship—
    • Show him consistent attention. Taurus guys are not high-maintenance by any stretch. But they do require a certain amount of attention. Knowing that he’s important to you and that you’re not going to mess with his head gives a Taurus a feeling of security.
    • Prepare for one step forward, two steps back. If it hasn’t already happened to you, your Taurus man is probably going to pull away from you at some point.
    • Show him he’s your one and only. Just like he needs regular attention, a Taurus man needs reassurance that you’re not looking elsewhere. He can be insecure about even your male friendships, no matter how platonic.
    • He Commits To You. This should be a no-brainer, but it’s a very big deal in the world of a Taurus man. Commitment doesn’t come as quickly to him as it does with other signs, and commonly, he takes a great deal of time to finally “come around”.
    • He Buys You Gifts. One of the “love languages” for a Taurus is the giving of gifts. It doesn’t matter if they’re big or small – they can be a pebble from his favorite beach, to a full-blown new coat from some expensive store that he knows you love.
    • He Wants To Move in With You. Here’s a huge sign that he’s in love with you: he wants to share his home with you (or yours with him). For a Typical Taurus man, his home really is his castle, and has the King!
    • He Spends His Money On You. Taurus men can be stingy, that’s for sure! They like to sit on their hard-earned money and keep it all to themselves! However, when he starts spending his dollars on you, his girl, you may be very certain of his feelings for you.
  2. May 20, 2023 · Learn how to recognize the signs that a Taurus man is falling in love with you, from his eyes to his gifts. Find out how to connect with this earth sign and what makes him tick.

  3. Feb 5, 2024 · For a Taurus guy, love is an expression of tantalizing sounds, tastes, and smells. Watch for signs of attraction, such as fresh flowers, fragrant candles, or home-cooked meals. He will also take more care of his appearance and may even get a new haircut.