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  1. 创造天地万物. 1. 起初, 神创造天地。. 2. 地是空虚混沌;深渊上一片黑暗; 神的灵运行在水面上。. 3. 神说:“要有光!. ”就有了光。. 4.

  2. 提供新译本圣经在线阅读服务。

  3. Version Information. This is the first Chinese Bible translated by Chinese Biblical scholars directly from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic languages into modern Chinese ever in the history of the Chinese churches.

  4. 新译本 (CNVS) Select any Bible verse or passage, linked directly to any of YouVersion’s 1,200+ versions, in 900+ languages. People viewing your Event can tap your reference to see it in their Bible App reader, where they can Bookmark it, Highlight it, and more.

  5. 读经-研经相关链接(有些可能只方便电脑上查阅): 圣经-和合本 圣经-新译本 圣经-吕振中版 圣经-灵修版 圣经-英语版 圣经-中英文对照 圣经-研究-于中旻博士着史 圣经-注解释义 圣经-罗马拼音版 圣经-多种版本对照(只方便电脑上阅读) 圣经-查经工具-多种版本对照(只方便电脑上阅读) 旧约 ...

  6. 圣经 新译本 (CNV Simplified) 耶稣被押交彼拉多(可15:1;路23:1;约18:28). 1到了早上,所有的祭司长和民间的长老商议怎样对付耶稣,好杀掉他。. 2他们把他绑起来,押去交给总督彼拉多。. 犹大的结局(参徒1:18~19). 3那时,出卖耶稣的犹大见耶稣定了罪,就後悔 ...

  7. The Chinese New Version (abbreviation:CNV; simplified Chinese: 新译本; traditional Chinese: 新譯本) is a Chinese language Bible translation that was completed in 1992 by the Worldwide Bible Society (環球聖經公會 Huanqiu Shengjing Xiehui) with the assistance of the Lockman Foundation.

  8. Worldwide Bible Society. CNV 出版社. Worldwide Bible Society 提供的其他譯本. 新譯本 (CNV) 新译本 (CNVS) 直接連接到 YouVersion,從以 900多種語言所提供的逾 1,200個譯本中挑選任何聖經經節或段落。. 觀看你互動活動的人可以在他們的聖經軟體閱讀器上點選你的參考資料,並 ...

  9. Read the New Testament in easy and clear Chinese. Compare with other versions and languages. Learn more about God's word.

  10. Shop Chinese Language Bibles and Bilingual (Chinese/English) Bibles. Chinese Union Version / 和合本 (CUB) - The most commonly used Bible in China. Uses older language forms, similar to the English King James Version style.

  1. Searches related to xinyiben

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