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  1. Dictionary


    • 1. (of a circumstance) not giving or indicating a good chance of success; unfavourable: "his reports were submitted at a financially unpropitious time"

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  2. The meaning of UNPROPITIOUS is not likely to have or produce a good result : not favorable or advantageous : not propitious. How to use unpropitious in a sentence.

  3. Not propitious or favourable; not auguring well.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  4. UNPROPITIOUS meaning: 1. not likely to be successful, or not showing any signs of success: 2. not likely to be…. Learn more.

  5. not likely to be successful, or not showing any signs of success: It may have seemed an unpropitious time for a general election. She assumed power in distinctly unpropitious circumstances, facing union unrest, and a failing economy. Opposite. propitious. Fewer examples.

  6. Define unpropitious. unpropitious synonyms, unpropitious pronunciation, unpropitious translation, English dictionary definition of unpropitious. adj. Unfavorable; inauspicious: arrived at an unpropitious moment. un′pro·pi′tious·ly adv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...

  7. adjective. not propitious. synonyms: ill, inauspicious, ominous. presaging ill fortune. thunderous. extremely ominous. unfavorable, unfavourable. (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose.

  8. Synonyms for UNPROPITIOUS: unfavorable, unpromising, discouraging, sombre, disheartening, hopeless, cheerless, dismal; Antonyms of UNPROPITIOUS: favorable, promising, benign, bright, prosperous, golden, auspicious, hopeful.