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  1. Jan 2, 2024 · A tight bear hug or a hug with back pats is usually friendly and platonic. If their arms are around your waist or they’re hugging you from behind, the hug is romantic. A quick distant hug or a sideways hug is mostly just polite and impersonal. 1.

    • Side hug. A side hug is when two parties are hugging each other with their arms around either the waist or the shoulder of the other person. Usually they are standing side by side, one using the left arm and the other using the right.
    • Friend hug. A friend hug is a traditional, two-armed hug where both people's chests are touching. "Typically, we move our pelvises away from each other, not closer to each other," Mattenson notes.
    • Hugging from behind. Depending on how this hug is executed, it could indicate a romantic relationship or a parent-child relationship. In a romantic setting, one person usually stands behind the other, with the hugger's front touching the other's backside closely, and wraps their arms around the partner's chest or torso.
    • Hugging around the waist. With this type of hug, both partners' waists are completely aligned and their arms are wrapped around each other's waists. In this position, they can lean back and look at each other in the eyes.
    • Duration Matters. Hugs come in all shapes and sizes, but one key indicator of their nature lies in their duration. A romantic hug tends to last longer, allowing the warmth and comfort to sink in.
    • Eyes Closed. The way one closes their eyes during a hug can be an illuminating factor. There’s a significant difference between closing your eyes momentarily and genuinely savoring the moment.
    • Hands Placement. Where the hands are placed during a hug can say a lot. In casual hugs among friends, hands often rest on the upper back or shoulders.
    • Body Contact. A friendly hug often involves limited body contact – typically the upper body. A romantic hug, on the other hand, involves more of the body.
  2. Aug 28, 2020 · Back Stroke hug: A backstroke hug is mostly common in friends and family. The type of hug in which the person reassures you by hugging you softly and rubbing your back soothingly to make you...

    • Warm Hug. You give warm hugs when you’re genuinely glad to see someone. They’re in one of your inner circles, and they’ve earned the trust that goes with this hug.
    • Polite Hug. If you’re meeting someone who isn’t a close friend but who insists on greeting you with a hug, this is probably the hug you’ll return, with a healthy dose of reserve.
    • Sleepy Hug. When you’re sleepy and your significant other is conveniently nearby, you might greet them with one of these hugs. It says, “I’m glad you’re here, and I’d love to be close to you right now.”
    • Comfort Hug. When you’re feeling low or just needing to be reminded of your value, you want this hug from someone you trust. You might even ask for it or hold your arms open in invitation.
  3. Feb 22, 2024 · You can express all kinds of feelings with different types of hugs. You can use them when words can’t describe how you feel. Hugs aren’t just for lovers or kids. Rather, you can share them with family, friends, and colleagues as well. Sharing hugs can provide comfort during difficult times.

  4. Jan 24, 2024 · By Leslie Blair. Last updated: January 24, 2024. There’s something about hugs that lifts the spirit no matter how low you’re feeling. Hugs are a great symbol of love and they’ve also been used to show affection for as long as romance has existed. But there are many types of hugs in the modern era that carry very different meanings.