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  1. Sep 16, 2023 · 5 Fertility benefits of Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are loaded with both micro and macronutrients that can boost reproductive efficiency in both men and women. Here are some of the fertility benefits of Brazil nuts: Protects against oxidative damage; Fights inflammation; Improves sperm quality; Can Increase chances of conception; May lower the ...

  2. Jan 8, 2024 · Nuts - specifically Brazil nuts - are great sources of selenium, which has important roles in both male and female fertility. The antioxidant properties of selenium are able to protect both egg and sperm cells from oxidative damage in the body.

    • Overview
    • What the science says
    • Other benefits of Brazil nuts
    • Dangers of eating too many Brazil nuts
    • Natural ways to increase testosterone levels
    • The bottom line

    Brazil nuts may be a nutritious way to boost testosterone levels due to their high levels of selenium. More research is needed.

    Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. It plays a key role in male development, and low levels can affect sexual function, mood, energy levels, hair growth, bone health, and more (1, 2).

    Levels of this hormone naturally decline with age, with studies suggesting that hypogonadism, a condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone, affects 39% of men age 45 and over in the United States (3).

    Though hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the most common way to treat low testosterone levels, many men seek natural supplements or foods that can boost their testosterone levels.

    Recently, Brazil nuts have become more popular among men, as they are said to help raise testosterone levels and aid fertility.

    This article explores the effects of Brazil nuts on testosterone.

    Brazil nuts are said to boost testosterone levels due to their high selenium content.

    A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving provides a whopping 988% of the Daily Value (DV) (4).

    Several studies have shown that taking a selenium supplement may improve testosterone levels or aid male fertility by enhancing semen quality (5, 6, 7).

    For example, a test-tube study in sheep cells found that supplementing with selenium activated genes and pathways that enhanced testosterone production (8).

    Similarly, a 26-week study in 468 men with infertility noted that taking 200 mcg of selenium along with 600 mg of N-acetyl-cysteine daily increased testosterone production, sperm count, and sperm quality, compared with a placebo (9).

    Another study in 690 men with infertility observed that taking 200 mcg of selenium along with 400 units of vitamin E for 100 days improved sperm motility and appearance in 53% of participants. Plus, 11% of men in the study were able to get their partners pregnant (10).

    Aside from raising testosterone levels and aiding male fertility, Brazil nuts have been linked to many other impressive health benefits, including:

    •Good source of antioxidants. Brazil nuts boast antioxidants, such as selenium, vitamin E, and phenols like ellagic acid. Selenium can also raise levels of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that has antioxidant properties and fights oxidative stress (13, 14, 15).

    •Help support thyroid function. Brazil nuts are high in selenium, which helps support the production of thyroid hormones. This nutrient is also essential for making proteins that protect your thyroid gland from damage (16, 17).

    •Good for your heart. They’re high in heart-healthy fats, such as polyunsaturated fats, and have been linked to lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol (18, 19).

    •May aid brain function. Certain antioxidants in Brazil nuts, such as ellagic acid and selenium, have been linked to protective effects on the brain. Also, ellagic acid may have mood-elevating properties (20, 21, 22).

    •May lower blood sugar levels. Some studies have found that diets higher in Brazil nuts or supplemented with selenium may reduce blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity (23, 24).

    Though Brazil nuts offer health benefits, eating too many can be harmful.

    Research has shown that eating more than 5,000 mcg of selenium per day, or approximately 50 Brazil nuts, can cause selenium toxicity (27).

    Signs of selenium toxicity include gastrointestinal issues, hair loss, brittle nails, fatigue, skin lesions or rashes, and muscle and joint pain. In severe cases, selenium toxicity may cause kidney failure, heart failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and even death (28).

    However, reaching toxicity levels through diet alone is quite rare.

    Other studies have found that too much selenium, especially from supplements, is linked to poor blood sugar control, as well as a higher risk of diabetes and prostate cancer (29, 30, 31).

    Selenium has a tolerable upper intake level of 400 mcg per day, which means you can safely consume up to this amount without adverse effects. That is equal to 4 average-sized Brazil nuts per day (27).

    Though Brazil nuts may help raise testosterone levels, more research is needed before it can be recommended for this purpose.

    Fortunately, other strategies to boost your testosterone levels are supported by more research, including:

    •Exercise. Exercise, especially weightlifting and high intensity interval training (HIIT), has been linked to higher testosterone levels among older men (32, 33, 34).

    •Get plenty of sleep. A lack of sleep has been linked to lower testosterone levels in young and older men. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night (35).

    •Aim to reduce stress. Long-term stress may raise cortisol levels, which is linked to lower testosterone levels. Regular exercise, sleep, laughter, and a healthy diet can all help reduce stress (36, 37).

    •Lose excess fat. Research suggests that obesity is linked to lower testosterone levels, and losing weight can help combat this (38).

    Current research on Brazil nuts, testosterone, and male fertility is mixed.

    While several studies have linked higher selenium intake to increased testosterone levels and improved sperm motility and quality, others have found no effect.

    This highlights the need for more research in this area, especially on the link between foods high in selenium, such as Brazil nuts, and testosterone.

    If you think you may have low testosterone levels, it’s best to speak with your healthcare professional before trying natural treatments, as low testosterone levels could indicate an underlying health condition.

  3. Feb 1, 2019 · Brazil Nuts & Walnuts – Nuts should be a major source of good fat, protein and nutrients during your IVF journey, if you’re not allergic to them. Brazil Nuts and Walnuts are both known to help with implantation.

  4. Dec 10, 2015 · A fertilized egg burrows into uterine lining about a week after ovulation, so consume 2-3 brazil nuts per day, from the day of ovulation - until 10 days post ovulation. Brazil nuts must be fresh and raw only, not roasted or cooked. READ MORE: How To Increase Fertility By Reducing Inflammation.

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  5. Jan 9, 2019 · Brazil nuts are rich in selenium: a mineral which is said to boost sperm health and aid conception. But what's the truth behind the rumours? We ask fertility experts and a dietician...

  6. You may have heard that Brazil nuts are a superfood that can help with fertility, but when is the best time to eat them? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of Brazil nuts for fertility and provide tips on when and how to incorporate them into your diet.