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  1. 24-HOUR FORECAST. Partly cloudy. For tomorrow, thundery showers mainly over northern and western Singapore in the afternoon. Thundery showers. Max. 34°C. Min. 25°C. 55% - 95%.

  2. Rain Areas. Singapore. 240 km range. 480 km range. 11.25 pm Fri 28 Jun.

  3. 24-Hour Forecast. Night. Morning. Afternoon. Next Night. Thundery showers over many areas in the afternoon. 34°C. 25°C. 55% - 95%.

  4. 24-hour Forecast. 4-Day Outlook. Fortnightly Weather Outlook. Monsoon Update. 11.00 pm to 1.00 am Updated at 11.20 pm 28 Jun. Please mouse over the map to view names of towns. + Legend. List view of nowcast by towns. The weather symbol in each town indicates the weather conditions affecting or forecast to affect that town over the next 2 hours.

  5. Singapore. 240 km range. 480 km range. 8.30 pm Fri 28 Jun. Rain intensity. The weather radar may occasionally pick up reflected signals from sources other than rain. These sometimes appear as stationary coloured areas. Learn About.

  6. The Weather Radar Layer in this LIS Website shows areas affected by rain/showers as detected by MSS's Polarimetric Meteorological Doppler Weather Radar. This radar is tuned to detect precipitation/rain above a minimum intensity.

  7. The Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) is Singapore’s national authority on the weather and climate. It is an operational pillar under the National Environment Agency (NEA). The key divisions within MSS are: Business and Strategy Division. The Business and Strategy Division manages corporate affairs and provides strategic support for MSS.

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