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  1. Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum; Short-term monastic retreat; Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University

  2. 佛光山開山祖師星雲大師教導信仰是人生的軌道傳承是慧命的延續。 」為落實信仰傳承響應佛光會共生與共榮主題由國際佛光會中華總會北區協會主辦北市北北市南及基隆等督導區承辦三代喜同堂-信仰傳承 共生共榮活動6月30日在國立海洋科技博物館基隆潮境公園舉行佛光人四代三代扶老攜幼2000人在寓教於樂中為打造人間淨土而努力。 佛光青年以《人間音緣》中「三好歌」帶領唱跳暖場,與會者徜徉在潮境公園大草原中吸取芬多精,體悟歌詞中星雲大師教導在生活中力行「三好」的深意,並分組滾動「法輪大球」、搖起呼拉圈,讓祖孫檔、親子檔在同心協力中增進情感。 國際佛光會秘書長覺培法師帶領從潮境公園到海洋科技博物館「VEGRUN 為幸福而跑」,為推廣蔬食文化、落實蔬食與環保永續經營盡一份心力。

  3. Mar 5, 2023 · Fo Guang Shan (佛光山 or Foguangshan) is one of the four large Buddhist organizations in Taiwan. The order’s headquarters, Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan, is one of Taiwan’s top attractions and most popular places to visit in Kaohsiung.

  4. Fo Guang Shan (FGS) ( Chinese: 佛光山; pinyin: Fó guāng shān; lit. 'Buddha's Light Mountain') is an international Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhist organization and monastic order based in Taiwan that practices Humanistic Buddhism whose roots are traced to the Linji school of Chan Buddhism.

  5. The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum houses one of Sakyamuni Buddha's tooth relics, which was gifted to the founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun in 1998. The Museum promotes Buddhism through arts and movies, in the humanistic and international dimensions, and receives over 10 million visitors a year.

  6. Fo Guang Shan is a Five-Platformed Mountain; Fo Guang Shan is also an orchid’s petals. Fo Guang Shan is even more like a mountain of orchid petals, Look! The first petal on the Eastern Hill is filled with the bhiksus’ voices.

  7. The architecture of the temples is very characteristic, and at the southeastern side of Fo Guang Mountain (Guang Shan) Monastery the most prominent landmark of the region is found: a huge golden statue of Buddha Amitabha which measures some 120 meters.

  8. Fo Guang Shan Monastery (Chinese: 佛光山寺; pinyin: Fó Guāng Shān Sì; lit. Buddha's Light Mountain Monastery) is a Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhist monastery in Dashu District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It is the headquarters of the Fo Guang Shan international organization and the largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan.

  9. Completed in 2011, this popular religious culture attraction covers an area of more than 100 hectares in Kaohsiung. The Fo Guang Big Buddha behind the Main Hall towers 108 meters high, making it the tallest sitting bronze Buddha statue in Asia.

  10. The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum (Chinese: 佛光山佛陀紀念館; pinyin: Fóguāngshān Fótuó jìniànguǎn), formerly known as the Buddha Memorial Center, is a Mahāyāna Buddhist cultural, religious, and educational museum located in Dashu District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

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