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  1. Pitcher Plant. The New World pitcher plants (Sarraceniaceae), which comprise three genera, are ground-dwelling herbs whose pitchers arise from a horizontal rhizome. In this family, the entire leaf forms the pitcher, as opposed to Nepenthaceae, where the pitcher arises from the terminal portion of the leaf.

  2. Pitcher plant, any carnivorous plant with pitcher-shaped leaves that form a passive pitfall trap. Pitcher plants are found in a wide range of habitats with poor soil conditions and rely on carnivory to obtain nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

  3. 3 days ago · Propagating Pitcher Plants . Pitcher plants can be propagated using stem cuttings. You'll have the best chance of success if you take cuttings when the mother plant is in active growth, but propagation can be done at any time of year. It's ideal to take a tip cutting from a climbing stem of a plant that's already developed a basal rosette.

  4. The Raffles’ Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes rafflesiana) is a vine that grows to a length of 10 m or more, producing long tendrils, reaching over 1.1 m in length, that clamber over trees and other plants. It is a native species that is currently vulnerable, threatened with habitat loss.

  5. Jun 21, 2021 · A pitcher plant is a low-maintenance houseplant that eats insects.

  6. Sep 17, 2023 · Pitcher plants, especially the species of tropical pitcher plants known as Nepenthes, thrive in high humidity and warm temperatures. Originating from places like southeast Asia, Borneo, Madagascar, and Australia, these carnivorous specimens require a habitat that closely mimics their native climate.

  7. Nov 16, 2021 · The parrot pitcher plant, S. psittacina, employs a different method for trapping insects than other species in this genus. It has a prostrate growth habit, with its pitchers flat against the ground, like tunnels for unsuspecting prey. This is known as a “lobster pot” trap.

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