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  1. Rental

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  2. Unauthorised Rental is an Infringement of the Housing & Development Act. We conduct regular checks on flats that have been approved for renting out, to ensure that there are no irregularities such as overcrowding and further unauthorised rental by main tenants.

  3. May 9, 2024 · Rental scams have been on the rise in Singapore. From July to November 2023, at least 287 people fell for rental scams, losing at least $1.8 million. We spoke to renters on their top tips to avoid rental scams.

  4. Apr 23, 2023 · How do rental 'blacklists' work? So what is the reality of rental blacklists, and how much power do rental agents have to influence tenants' future housing prospects? There are two kinds of "blacklisting" that tenants' advocates refer to, formal or official and informal or unofficial.

  5. If it’s left unaddressed, it will likely earn you a place on the tenancy blacklist. Leaving your bond to cover outstanding rent. This is a common mistake made by first-time tenants. Tenants are required to pay their rent in full and not rely on a rental bond to cover outstanding amounts.

  6. Mar 3, 2018 · You can be blacklisted as a renter without even knowing it. Key points: Amanda, a mother of six, had no idea she was blacklisted. This is her story. Here are some ways to avoid being blacklisted. How to appeal against a listing and who to contact. In fact, being put on one of these tenancy databases could mean you're blocked from renting for years.

  7. One questionable resource used by real estate agents to screen potential tenants is what's known as a tenancy database, or 'blacklist'. These databases store information about your tenancy history and are privately owned, and there are a number of them out there.

  8. May 6, 2022 · Landlords filling vacancies sometimes wonder where they can find a “Bad Tenant List.” This is also known as a Tenant blacklist or a “do-not-rent-to” list. For a small Landlord with one or two rental properties, even one missed rental payment can mean trouble paying the monthly mortgage.

  9. Apr 23, 2023 · How do rental 'blacklists' work? So what is the reality of rental blacklists, and how much power do rental agents have to influence tenants' future housing prospects? There are two kinds of "blacklisting" that tenants' advocates refer to, formal or official and informal or unofficial.

  10. Tenant (renter) databases, sometimes referred to as ‘blacklists’, are run by private companies that collect information about renters and make it available to rental providers, real estate agents and renters, usually for a fee.