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  1. For 30 years, Tzu Chi Singapore has been providing direct aid and care to underprivileged and disadvantaged communities. Currently, we focus our efforts in the following key areas: Comprehensive Aid for the Underprivileged. Interim Assistance for Needy Kidney Patients. Patient-centred Healthcare.

  2. 立足狮城30载. 有苦的人走不出来有福的人就要走进去。. 多年来新加坡慈济深入本地社会暗角进行慈善济助并因应社会所需推展各项利益人群的工作。. 如今,我们的志业涵盖以下几个方向:. 慈善济助. 肾脏病友关怀. 以人为本的医护服务. 推动活跃乐 ...

  3. About Us. Paving the Path of Great Love in the Lion City. In 50 years, Singapore has made a remarkable transformation from a third world backwater to a global financial and commercial hub. Tzu Chi, which was founded in Taiwan just one year after the independence of Singapore, has likewise established its presence globally from its humble ...

  4. The Jing Si Hall is an important spiritual stronghold of Tzu Chi. Master Cheng Yen (founder of Tzu Chi) hopes that visitors can experience the peaceful and harmonious environment of Tzu Chi and be inspired to join in the good work of making the world a better place for all.

  5. Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) Ltd. aims to promote the spirit of Buddhism by carrying out charitable and religious activities for the benefit of all beings. Additionally, the organisation seeks to channel the goodwill of Singaporeans towards overseas humanitarian relief efforts.

  6. As volunteers of Tzu Chi Singapore marked the NGO’s 26th anniversary, they renewed their vows and aspirations as well as strengthened their resolve and spirit to walk the Tzu Chi Path. And they did not forget to commemorate, with gratitude, the unstinting efforts of the pioneers who had built the organisation from scratch in the early days.

  7. Tzu Chi Singapore, also the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore) ( Chinese: 佛教慈济慈善事业基金会(新加坡) ), is the Singapore branch of the Tzu Chi Buddhist organisation. The foundation was originally set up by Venerable Cheng Yen and based in Hualien, Taiwan.

  8. Tzu Chi Singapore’s CEO Low Swee Seh (first from the left in front) and Chairman of Nee Soon’s Chong Pang CCC, Teo Choon Hoc (first from the right in front), signing the MOU (Photo by Alvin Tan) Collegiate volunteers from Tzu Chi Singapore staging a heartwarming sign language song at the opening ceremony of the Youth Centre.

  9. Since 2016, it has been carrying out international humanitarian relief work through the newly established “Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore)”. “Be awakened to the lessons that disasters bring us.” Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) has been upholding this spirit during street fundraising.

  10. Teaching staff from both branches of Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool had a fruitful day volunteering on Tzu Chi Singapore's Flag Day 2022. Many learned about humility as they bowed 90 degrees to thank donors for their generosity.

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