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  1. even break. An equal opportunity; fair treatment. Primarily heard in US. I know I'm not the CEO's niece or daughter, but this is my dream job, and I am more than qualified for it.

  2. Meaning. If you get an even break, you get a fair opportunity to succeed in your ambition or to achieve your goals. For example. All Monica needs is an even break and she could be one of the country's top models. He says he's never had an even break in life and that's why he's never achieved much. Variety.

  3. To give one an equal opportunity or fair treatment. I know I'm not the CEO's niece or daughter, but this is my dream job, and I am more than qualified for it. Can you please just give me an even break? I wanted to be an actress, but Hollywood doesn't give nobodies an even break.

  4. Jun 4, 2020 · A "sucker" is someone who can be easily deceived. And "an even break" is a fair chance of winning. So it means (If you want to get the most money from the sucker) don't give him a fair chance. It is advice that one "hustler" might give to another. A hustler is a person who steals money by tricking people.

  5. give someone an even break. If you give someone an even break, you give them the same chances or opportunities as other people. They know they can trust me to give them an even break, to showcase them and their talent. Note: You can also say that someone gets an even break.

  6. an even break a fair chance – informal This phrase is perhaps best known from W.C. Fields’s catchphrase…Never give a sucker an even break. It is said to have originated in the 1923 musical Poppy and was also the title of one of Field's films (1941).