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  1. 昇腾社区是基于昇腾系列处理器和基础软件构建的全栈 AI计算基础设施、行业应用及服务,提供从算子开发到模型开发到推理应用开发的全流程能力,支持多种 AI 框架和硬件平台。昇腾社区还提供一站式开发者支持平台,支撑伙伴打造行业解决方案,加速行业智能升级。

  2. 昇腾社区重视您的隐私. 我们在本网站上使用Cookie,包括第三方Cookie,以便网站正常运行和提升浏览体验。

  3. Powered by ascend Ascend Documentation-Ascend Community Ascend Documentation.Hardware and software information about Huawei Ascend AI Processors facilitates development of AI applications.

  4. 昇腾Ascend C是CANN针对算子开发场景推出的编程语言,原生支持C和C++标准规范,通过多层接口抽象、自动并行计算、孪生调试等关键技术,极大提高算子开发效率。本网页介绍了Ascend C的基本概念、学习成长资源、技术文章和开发支持与帮助。

  5. MindIE is a framework for inference tasks on Ascend hardware, with open APIs and optimized operations. It supports various AI frameworks, models, and scenarios, and provides service deployment and optimization tools.

  6. The Atlas 900 AI cluster houses up to thousands of Ascend training processors that are supercharged by the three types of high-speed interfaces (HCCS, PCIe 4.0, 100 Gbit/s RoCE) in the Huawei cluster communication library and job scheduling platform.

  7. MindStudio provides Ascend Model Compression Toolkit (AMCT), Model Converter, and Model Visualizer. Model Converter converts models trained under open-source frameworks such as Caffe and TensorFlow into offline models supported by Ascend AI Processors, with operator scheduling tuned, weight data rearranged, and memory usage optimized in the process.

  8. Powered by ascend Firmware and Driver-Ascend Community Firmware and Driver.Huawei firmware and driver packages can be used to deploy the basic environment for Ascend devices.

  9. CANN is a heterogeneous compute architecture for neural networks that accelerates AI applications on Ascend processors. It supports various AI frameworks, operators, and development tools with open APIs and high performance.

  10. Ascend Computing Industry is a full-stack AI computing infrastructure based on Ascend AI Processors and software, for various industry applications and services. It covers hardware, software, tools, and partners, and aims to bring AI pervasive across the world with ethical and responsible standards.

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