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  1. Aug 24, 2016 · According to the dictionary a crossroad is the road that crosses at a crossroads. (crossroad) North American A road that crosses a main road or joins two main roads. Furthermore, according to wikipedia a crossroads seems to be used for two roads crossing each other - while it doesn't specify the angle.

  2. Mar 6, 2018 · A crossroad (used in North America) is a road that joins two main roads or crosses a main road according to one of the definitions by google. Similar sources give similar definitions. This means crossroads are normally side roads or roads that are not as major that are used to get onto more major roads.

  3. Jan 23, 2015 · It is not wrong, in any technical sense. One could be "put" at a crossroad by being, eg, kidnapped, blindfolded, then dropped at that intersection, either literally or metaphorically. And since you want to emphasize that person A has done this to person B, "being put at" is a reasonable phrasing -- can't think of a better one, offhand. –

  4. There is a term in formal garden design to describe a location where paths split into three (or four or five) which in English is called a Goose-foot and in French a 'Patte d'Oie'.

  5. Mar 14, 2017 · I am looking for a single word similar to a turn of events, changing one's stars/destiny, passing a crossroads or doing something that would cause someone's life to have a dramatic change.

  6. Apr 19, 2015 · Crossroad其本上係一架升高咗嘅Stream,加上方方正正四驅外觀,純玩個款買嚟玩三兩年應該無乜問題,長揸就真係要諗諗難搵零件維修哩個問題....另外油耗方面,我揸架09年Stream,九成巿區講緊個六,七一公里,段估Crossroad唔會少過哩個數

  7. I have read many dictionary definitions and there seems to be two possible sources of the word trivial. Online dictionaries say it's from latin tri and via, "three ways" or "crossroad", basically m...

  8. Jan 5, 2015 · What is the correct collocation here? Do you walk across the crosswalk, through the crosswalk, or on the crosswalk? Or can you say cross the crosswalk?

  9. Apr 1, 2020 · None of intersection, crossroad, or junction (given in an answer) really work. I think you more likely want the destination (or origin) of many different roads, as @Lawrence suggested. E.g. "If you control Rome, you control the world". –

  10. Feb 17, 2014 · 各位小弟剛購入 2007 crossroad ,想請教一下,改裝入手如何?香港有邊度可以參考一下改裝補件?另外 請教一下壁震有邊款岩用及幾 $左右。 《香港討論區》

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