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  1. François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande (French: [fʁɑ̃swa ʒeʁaʁ ʒɔʁʒ(ə) nikɔla ɔlɑ̃d] ⓘ; born 12 August 1954) is a French politician who served as the 24th president of France from 2012 to 2017.

  2. François Hollande [fʁɑ̃swa ɔlɑ̃d] n 3 Écouter, né le 12 août 1954 à Rouen (Seine-Inférieure), est un haut fonctionnaire et homme d'État français. Il est président de la République française du 15 mai 2012 au 14 mai 2017. Magistrat à la Cour des comptes et brièvement avocat, il est élu pour la première fois député en 1988.

  3. Learn about the life and career of François Hollande, the 7th President of the Fifth Republic from 2012 to 2017. Find out his biography, political achievements, and initiatives as the leader of the Socialist Party.

    • Overview
    • Early life and political rise
    • Presidency
    • Later life

    François Hollande (born August 12, 1954, Rouen, France) French politician who was president of France (2012–17). He earlier served as first secretary of the Socialist Party (1997–2008).

    The son of a physician in France’s northwestern Haute-Normandie région, Hollande was educated at the elite École Nationale d’Administration, where his classmates included future prime minister Dominique de Villepin and future Socialist presidential candidate Ségolène Royal, who would also become Hollande’s longtime companion. In 1979, while still a student, Hollande joined the Socialist Party, and he worked as an economic adviser in the administration of Pres. François Mitterrand. He graduated from the école in 1980. The following year Hollande unsuccessfully challenged Jacques Chirac for the parliamentary seat representing Corrèze département but was appointed special assistant on economic affairs in the Mitterrand administration. Hollande next served as chief of staff for two successive government spokespersons for Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy.

    In 1988 Hollande was elected to represent Corrèze in the National Assembly. He lost the seat in 1993 but won it back in 1997. That same year he succeeded Lionel Jospin as leader of the Socialist Party, after Jospin was appointed prime minister in a cohabitation government in which the conservative Chirac served as president. In addition to his party chairmanship and his seat in the National Assembly, Hollande held a number of local and provincial posts during this time, most notably serving as mayor of Tulle (2001–08). As party leader, Hollande was sometimes overshadowed by fellow Socialists who were perhaps more outwardly telegenic, such as Royal or the economist Dominique Strauss-Kahn. In time Hollande came to embrace this status, and he willingly accepted the nickname “Monsieur Normal” that was bestowed upon him by the press. After Socialist candidates lost two successive presidential elections—Jospin was trounced in the 2002 election’s first round of voting, and Royal lost to Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007—Hollande resigned as party leader in 2008.

    Within hours of his inauguration, Hollande flew to Berlin, where he met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Since the beginning of the euro-zone debt crisis, Merkel and Sarkozy had promoted austerity as the cure for Europe’s ills, but Hollande favoured an approach that emphasized growth. Merkel, who had been vocal in her support of Sarkozy during the presidential campaign, nonetheless found common ground with Hollande, and the two spent much of the remaining year promoting the EU’s new fiscal compact. By year’s end Hollande had proposed an increase in the value-added tax, cuts in state spending, and a new corporate tax credit. In December 2012 his legislation to boost the top individual tax rate (to 75%) was ruled unconstitutional, although he reintroduced the measure the following year, shifting the burden of the tax from individuals to employers. His popularity slumped, however, as France’s economy remained stagnant despite signs that it had officially emerged from recession.

    Hollande was a vocal critic of Syrian Pres. Bashar al-Assad and, after the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War, called for foreign military intervention in that conflict. A joint effort by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov resulted in an agreement whereby Syria would surrender its chemical weapons arsenal, but Hollande remained a strong proponent of French military action abroad. In January 2013 he dispatched French troops to combat Islamist militants in Mali, and in December a French-sponsored UN Security Council resolution authorized armed intervention in the Central African Republic. Some 1,600 French troops supplemented an existing African Union force in the Central African Republic, but that application of what was increasingly known as the “Hollande doctrine” was met with indifference by the French electorate in spite of widespread support for previous military engagements in Africa.

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    Hollande’s approval numbers experienced a modest boost in January 2014 when a celebrity tabloid magazine alleged that he was having an affair with a French actress. The French public, famously protective of the privacy of its elected leaders, rallied around Hollande, with an overwhelming majority of voters stating that they considered the affair to be a personal matter.

    He received no such support in local elections in March 2014, however, when candidates from the centre-right Union for a Popular Movement (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire; UMP) and Marine Le Pen’s National Front swept the Socialists from office in scores of mayoral races. Hollande responded by reshuffling his cabinet, replacing Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault with interior minister Manuel Valls. French voters continued to express their dissatisfaction with Hollande in May 2014, when the Socialists finished a distant third behind the National Front and the UMP in European Union parliamentary elections. Valls characterized the result as an “earthquake,” an expression of staunch Euroskepticism in a country that had traditionally been a stalwart supporter of European integration.

    After leaving office Hollande released the memoir Les Leçons du pouvoir (2018; “The Lessons of Power”), in which he discussed his decision not to run for reelection and defended his presidency. In addition, he was highly critical of his successor, Emmanuel Macron.

  4. À la suite de l'élection de François Mitterrand à la présidence de la République, François Hollande devient chargé de mission à l'Élysée. Lors des élections législatives de juin 1981, il est candidat en Corrèze.

  5. Nov 10, 2021 · Former French President Francois Hollande has told a trial over the 2015 Paris attacks that the terrorists struck "our way of life itself". Mr Hollande was president when Islamic State (IS)...

  6. A comprehensive overview of the domestic and foreign policy of the 24th President of France from 2012 to 2017. Learn about his economic, social, housing and environmental reforms, as well as his response to the 2015 terror attacks and the 2016 Brexit referendum.