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  1. block is used for overriding specific parts of a template. In your case, you have a block named content and this is supposed to be overridden by children that inherit from this template.

  2. In Eclipse + PyDev, Python block commenting is similar to Eclipse Java block commenting; select the lines you want to comment and use Ctrl + / to comment. To uncomment a commented block, do the same thing.

  3. 14. display: block; creates a block-level element, whereas display: inline; creates an inline-level element. It's a bit difficult to explain the difference if you're not familiar with the css box model, but suffice to say that block level elements break up the flow of a document, whereas inline elements do not.

  4. There are different indention errors and you reading them helps a lot: 1. "IndentationError: expected an indented block". They are two main reasons why you could have such an error: - You have a ":" without an indented block behind. Here are two examples: Example 1, no indented block: Input: if 3 != 4:

  5. 7. If you are using VSCode in a linux environment, then you can comment multiple lines by either: Selecting a block of code => then, press Ctrl + Shift + A (Block commenting) Or, selecting a block of code => then, press Ctrl + / (Single-line commenting applied to all selected lines) Hope this helps. edited Mar 6, 2020 at 9:47.

  6. Python expects an indented block to follow the line with the for, or to have content after the colon. The first style is more common, so it says it expects some indented code to follow it.

  7. Sep 29, 2021 · Block blobs let you upload large blobs efficiently. Block blobs are comprised of blocks, each of which is identified by a block ID. You create or modify a block blob by writing a set of blocks and committing them by their block IDs.

  8. Mar 12, 2012 · I'm trying to get several inline and inline-block components aligned vertically in a div. How come the span in this example insists on being pushed down? I've tried both vertical-align:middle; and

  9. Feb 8, 2012 · In CSS, display can have values of inline and inline-block. Can anyone explain in detail the difference between inline and inline-block? I searched everywhere, the most detailed explanation tells me

  10. Sep 13, 2012 · You can visual block select before "W" and hit Shift + i - Type "Cool" - Hit ESC and then delete "World" by visual block selection . Alternatively, the cooler way to do it is to just visual block select "World" in both lines. Type c for change. Now you are in the insert mode. Insert the stuff you want and hit ESC.