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  1. Nov 25, 2023 · Learn what the Grotesque is and how it is used in art and literature. Explore the history, characteristics, and examples of the Grotesque, from cave paintings to Kafka and Lovecraft.

  2. › wiki › GrotesqueGrotesque - Wikipedia

    Grotesque is a term for a style of ancient Roman decorative art and a genre of art that evokes bizarre, fantastic, or disgusting effects. Learn about the origin, evolution, and examples of grotesque in art, architecture, and literature.

  3. Learn what grotesque means in literature and see examples of characters who are grotesque. Grotesque characters are mysterious, ugly, hard to understand, and distorted, but also evoke sympathy and disgust.

  4. Unlike Renaissance art, which we generally think of as being devoted to the Beautiful and to balanced yet naturalistic proportions, grotesque artworks shift the focus to the misshapen, the disproportionate, the fantastic and the delirious.

    • Laura Tradii
  5. An overview of the term grotesque and its literary and cultural implications, with examples from different historical periods and contexts. Learn how the grotesque challenges norms, boundaries, and stability through excess, transgression, and abjection.

  6. Jan 17, 2018 · The grotesque in literature can be broadly defined as “a written form of expression which described that which could not be controlled by reason, was unnatural, and arose in opposition to the classical imitation of ‘beautiful nature’ and the rationalism and optimism of the Enlightenment” (Perttula 2011, 22).

  7. The grotesque in art and literature. Wolfgang Kayser, Ulrich Weisstein. Published 1963. Art. The grotesque is one of the most obvious forms art may take to pierce the veil of familiarity, to stab us from the drowse of the accustomed, to make us aware of the perilous paradoxicality of life.