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  1. The HK Government announced that the Minimum Allowable Wage (MAW) for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong will be increased by 2.5%, from $4,870 to $4,990 per month. In addition,...

  2. 其中淨買入阿里巴巴39.34億香港交易所8.35億中國平安3.47億快手1.72億淨賣出美團27.69億騰訊24.78億中國海洋石油3.85億中國移動1.8億 ...

  3. Hang Seng index closed down 60 points, H share index down 24 points and technology index down 30 points. Turnover was $68 billion, the lowest of the year. Hong Kong market ended a 5-day rising...

  4. 上星期美匯指數繼續創下今年低位並繼續在低位徘徊市場對美國聯儲局在11月再次減息0.5%的預期持續升溫今年內的減息幅度或比歐洲央行和英國央行為多上週公布的通脹指標PCE物價指數8月同比升幅為2.2%即通脹仍然受控繼續支持市場有此想法成為美 ...

  5. Sichuan Province will splurge more than RMB400 million in financial capital for the distribution of consumption... Provide financial information, included real time free quote, financial news, HK indices, China indices and World indices.

  6. Provide financial information, included real time free quote, financial news, HK indices, China indices and World indices.

  7. Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) released the air traffic statistics for Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for August. During the month, HKIA handled about 4.92 million passengers,...

  8. The Hong Kong market thrived today. The HSI opened 57 points higher and rose 300 points in early trading to pea...

  9. Looking ahead, while geopolitical tensions and trade conflicts will present risks, Hong Kong's exports performance should remain positive if external demand continues to hold up. ~AAStocks...

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