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  1. The hierarchy framework developed by Evans (2003) relies on three important elements which are effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility (See appendix). When evaluating a health care intervention, Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT’s) are regarded to provide the most powerful forms of evidence. The RCT is “the most scientifically ...

  2. Evidence based practice (EBP) is a global experience that involves research evidence appraisal, patient choices, context of care delivery to enhance best practice knowledge and delivery of quality care by making informed decisions (Barker, 2010). The aim of this essay is to comparatively analyse and appraise one research element of two research ...

  3. The Hierarchy of evidence is to prioritise research studies by accessing the validity and quality of the research ( A hierarchy of evidence is often used in a medical setting, due to research needing to be as up to date and reliable as possible (ebnp). For instance an opinion from someone with respected authority and clinical ...

  4. Evidence that some research designs are more powerful than others has given rise to the notion of a hierarchy of evidence (Summerskill, 2000). The higher a methodology appears in the hierarchy, the more likely the outcomes represent objective reality (Johnston, 2005).

  5. Section 1: Nursing research is a systematic inquiry aimed at developing trustworthy evidence to create rationale for evidence-based practice (EBP); EBP is using the best evidence to make patient-care decisions and underpins nursing practice (Polit and Beck, 2018). In order to deliver high-quality care in an ever-changing society, nurses are ...

  6. Evidence produced using randomised controlled trial is considered the second most valuable evidence according to the hierarchy of evidence. The secondary research piece chosen is titled ‘A systematic review on the effectiveness of alcohol based solutions for hand hygiene’ and was conducted by Picheansathian (2004).

  7. Leach (2006) suggests hierarchy of evidence may be used to discover research findings that supersede and invalidate earlier accepted treatments and change them with interventions that are safer, efficient and cost-effective. If findings from a controlled trial are inadequate, choices should be guided by the next best available evidence (Leach ...

  8. The practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available clinical evidence from systematic research ‘Sackett et al (1996). Within evidence available for utilisation is an evidence hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy are well designed randomised controlled trials.

  9. Hierarchy of evidence is the ranking of research methods according to their effectiveness, strength and weaknesses (Ciliska et al, 2005). In the healthcare system, depending on its source, some research methods are considered to be stronger and produce better quality evidence than others hence credibility, reliability and validity differs (Lindsay, 2007).

  10. Evidence based practice or EBP is a problem-solving method used to make clinical decisions. Utilizing various resources related to the problem being solved, ensuring the best care is being delivered to the patient. EBP doesn’t take just one scenario and determine that to be the gold standard. Instead EBP takes many scenarios that are related ...