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  1. Join the online community of Swansea City fans and share your opinions, news and views on the club, players, managers and more. Browse the latest posts on topics such as match reports, tickets, music, politics and more.

  2. 这个网页解释了两个短语的不同含义和用法,以及如何根据语境选择合适的词汇。independent from 表示独立于某个国家或机构,而 independent of 表示不受某个事物或人的影响或关联。

  3. Mar 27, 2024 · The study is totally independent of the university. (这项研究完全不受大学约束。) 解析:句子主干结构为“主系表”其中 independent of the university 为“表语”,意为“独立于大学”,表示“不受大学主管部门的管控”。 They went camping so as to be independent of hotels.

  4. 这个网页解释了两个短语的不同含义和用法,以及后面跟的词性和强调主体的差异。independent from表示从某个事物中独立出来,而independent of表示不受某个事物的影响或约束。

  5. Join the discussion on Swansea City FC, Wales national team, rugby, politics, music and more on the Swansea Independent forum. Find the latest news, opinions, polls, jokes and pictures from the fans network.

  6. Tom's independent ( a. not dependent ) of them. 汤姆跟他们没关系。( 不依赖,不受约束;尽管还可能是同一类人,但不是同群。) Lom's individual ( a. single, particular ) one of rhem. 洛姆有别于他们。 ( 有区别,尽管就在他们圈子内,但不是同类。

  7. independent短语搭配如下: ndependent表示自主的; 不相关连的意思,那么你知道independent的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了independent的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦! 目录. independent的短语. independent的短语搭配. independent的短语例句. independent的短语 ~+名词

  8. Jul 12, 2015 · undependent & independent 区别???互为反义词,是依靠与独立的意思都是形容词be dependent on sth 依赖XXXbe independent of sth 不依赖XXX,独立于XXX这两个是最基本的用法。

  9. 这个句子结构的确很特别,值得注意。 我们先分析一下huawei operates independent of chinese government这个句子结构:主语是huawei,谓语动词是operates,是不及物动词,在这里是”经营,营业,活动“。

  10. Swans sparkle in away win at Coventry, everything on the game on the Indy 21st Sep 2024 18:21 Swansea City delivered another three points for the travelling Jack Army at Coventry City this afternoon.

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